Today, there are more than 1000 enterprises in Russia engaged in shipbuilding and repair of vessels of various categories, as well as development and production of propulsion, hydroacoustic, navigation, deck and other types of equipment, shipbuilding materials and various ship components. Some enterprises carry out scientific activities in the field of shipbuilding and marine technology.
• It is planned to build 406 vessels with a total deadweight of 11.7 million tons by 2030
• Russian transport companies annually place orders abroad for the construction of vessels worth more than $2-3 billion Structure of shipbuilding imports:
60% – cargo, cruise, and sightseeing vessels, ferries, barges, etc.
3% – fishing vessels and other watercraft for processing and canning fish products
7% – tugs and pushers
27% – floating beacons, fire boats, dredging barges, floating cranes and other watercraft 3% – other
• In commercial shipbuilding, the volume of imports is almost 80% of the total project cost
• Purchase of components amounts to about $7 billion per year, (approximately 600 items)
List of the main imported components:
Power plants
Deck equipment for vessels operating in Arctic conditions
Marine diesel engines and pumps (Spare parts for marine engines)
Compressors and gas turboblowers
Marine electrical equipment
Marine fixtures and fuel injection equipment
Hydraulic steering gears, anchor windlasses, pneumatic tools
Controls for controllable-pitch propellers (CPP)
Hydraulic cranes, capstans, fishing ship winches, oceanographic equipment and hydraulic systems
Dagens heta ämnet – skyddsutrustningen och sjukvårdsmaterial.
Ryska tillverkare producerar nu allting som behövs för att bekämpa 2019-nCoV.
Det går också att ordna omedelbara leveranser till Sverige om behovet finns. Här samlade vi alla förslag tillgänliga.
Vänligen kontakta Ryska Handelsrepresentationen i Sverige att få mer detaljer.
Som Ordförandena för den Rysk-svenska styrkommittén för handels och ekonomiskt samarbete, diskuterade ministrar staten och utsikterna för bilaterala handelsförbindelser och enades om att intensifiera den dialogen inom handelsområdet. Parterna beslöt hålla nästa sammanträde i Styrkommittén i maj 2021.
Under kommande månader ska man revidera verksamheten i Styrkommitténs arbetsorgan och vid behov uppdatera dess struktur.
Taking a cue from China, South Korea, and other countries, during the pandemic’s early stages it became evident that testing and early identification of infected people constituted a key mechanism to help keep the virus in check, and to mitigate the consequences of the new coronavirus infection. However, a potential shortage of equipped PCR laboratories in the country was also evident, since the pandemic’s projected scale and the necessary scope of testing was many times greater than the demand for those laboratories’ services in the absence of such a wide-scale pandemic (in “times of peace”, if you will).
Russian company LLC EMG created a fundamentally new type of laboratory – one that is completely mobile. A new device called LifeCase enabled professionals to conduct full-fledged PCR diagnostics outside the bounds of a PCR laboratory.
Mobile laboratories produced on a large scale by two companies, Joint-Stock Production Association Serov Plant (AO POZiS) and LLC Eidos-Medicine.
As at the beginning of May, 2020 more than two million diagnostic testing kits have already been produced, and more than one million people have been successfully tested. Mass production of LifeCase was launched, with the expectation of more than 1,000 units per month.