
Våra nyheter

Många bolag och företag från olika länder söker nuförtiden efter effektiva sätt för digital transformation och de bästa IT-lösningarna.

Vi är glada över att presentera härmed Russian Software Development Industry 2021 Achievments Report som ger en komplett bild av ryska mjukvaruföretag på den globala IT-marknaden.

Katalog över ryska mjukvaruföretag som erbjuder programvara för e-handel och marknadsplatser finns här.

October, 14th, 2021

  • Trade between Russia and Sweden after the pandemic, what has changed?
  • Emerging trends in global markets
  • Digital economy. How will new technologies make life easier for entrepreneurs?
  • Product of the future, how to make money?
  • What do we know about the market of the neighbor country?
  • Export or import. What is more profitable?
  • How to find a partner in Russia and Sweden?
  • Where to begin?

These and many other issues will be discussed during the first meeting of the Russia-Sweden Business Club, which will take place on October, 14th at the premises of the Trade Mission of the Russian Federation in Sweden.


The meeting will be attended by representatives of the business community of Russia and Sweden:

•        Russian companies with experience of successful deliveries to the demanding Swedish market,

•        Newcomer companies from various Russian regions interested in the selection of buyers and distributors in Sweden,

•        Swedish companies with perfect experience of doing business in the Russian market,

•        And, of course, Swedish and Russian entrepreneurs and businessmen considering opportunities to do profitable business in trade between the two countries.

Their dialogue will be assisted by the Trade Representation of Russia in Sweden, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for Cooperation with Russia and the CIS countries, coaches and freelancers.

Within the meeting you will have possibility to get acquainted to several Russian regions and companies as well as see samples of Leisure Boats and ATV produced in Russia.

Your invitation is here

To attend please register business.club@rysslandshandel.se

Our address Ringvägen 1 – 3, 18151, Lidingö

Made in Ural is a web-portal made by the government of Sverdlovsk region as a modern digital source of information for export-oriented enterprises. This website is also meant to serve as an instrument for further export development by means of featuring the competencies of the region.

The following content might come appealing for foreign partners of Sverdlovsk region:

  • Register of export-oriented enterprises of Sverdlovsk region with relevant contact information and a convenient search by economic sectors;
  • Information on the region goods and services competitive on global markets;
  • Relevant information about the region, which includes the key benefits of partnership with the Sverdlovsk region and enterprises in its territory.

The following information might be useful for the Sverdlovsk region’s organizations including the enterprises currently engaged in foreign economic activities and ones that are looking to take part in it in future:

  • A calendar of events in the field of international cooperation, including the events with the participation of the business community and the government of the Sverdlovsk region;
  • Information on the infrastructure, projects and programs under development, and the measures taken to support export business on regional and federal levels;
  • Latest news in the sphere of foreign trade and its regulation;
  • Statistical and analytic data, including foreign markets data.

The target audience of the portal includes the business and academic community of the Sverdlovsk region, the region’s foreign partners (both current and potential).

Please click here for more details.

The economy of the region is associated with the extraction and primary processing of minerals — oil, gas, coal, bauxite, gems, etc., wood processing and papermaking enterprises.

The dominant economic activities of the region are:
– fuel and energy complex;
– timber industry complex;
– investments.

Factors of investment attractiveness of the region:
– political, social and economic stability;
– the existence of a regulatory framework that supports investment activities;
– a unique combination of mineral resources in terms of reserves, conditions of occurrence, diversity and quality;
– highly qualified personnel, including our own training base for highly qualified personnel for the forestry and oil and gas industries;
– provision of the budget system with its own financial resources, balance of the budget.

About the Republic of Komi

Investment proposal – Mineral resourсes