
Våra nyheter

Uljanovsk oblast

Ulyanovsk-regionen är en region med en rik historia och stora utsikter till ekonomisk utveckling, en av ledarna för Volga Federal District när det gäller tillväxt och utländska investeringar. Jämfört med andra regioner i Ryssland har det ett antal viktiga konkurrensfördelar.

Ett fördelaktigt geografiskt läge i hjärtat av den europeiska delen av Ryssland och utvecklad transportinfrastruktur, inklusive två flygplatser, som kan acceptera alla typer av flygplan. Bron över floden Volga i Ulyanovsk är en av de största broarna i Europa.

Snabb utveckling av teknisk infrastruktur. Ulyanovsk har löst problemen med rekonstruktion av den viktigaste «gasartären» i regionen och byggandet av ytterligare gasledningar, som inte bara helt tillgodoser behoven hos befintliga och framtida företag inom värme och el, utan också ger de nödvändiga reserverna för många år framåt.

En betydande industriell, vetenskaplig och innovativ potential i regionen, som är en av de största industriella, vetenskapliga, utbildnings- och kulturcentrumen i Volga-regionen.

Det viktigaste – Ulyanovsk-regeringen har utarbetat nödvändig lagstiftning och ett effektivt system för statligt stöd för investeringsprojekt. Det har antagit lagstiftning som ger investerarna betydande inlösen på de större skatterna – på egendom, mark och inkomst. Det har inrättats en hypoteksfond som bildats bland objekt för den regionala fastigheten för investerarna att säkerställa deras banklån. Relativt ny typ av investerarstöd är att subventionera kostnaden för sakerutbildning.

En annan viktig åtgärd är att förbereda tillgängliga industrianläggningar och förse dem med all nödvändig teknisk kommunikation inom webbplatsens gränser.

Heads of the largest Swedish companies – AB Volvo, Scania, IKEA, Sweco, Astra Zeneca, STFD AB took part in digital video conference Industrial Dialogue: Russia – Sweden, organized on October 7, 2020 by the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden on the Innoprom On-line platform.

Together with representatives of Russian business circles, they discussed the prospects for industrial cooperation, the possibilities of developing cooperation, increasing mutual trade and implementation of innovative technologies worldwide.

During the dialogue, much attention was paid to achievements Sweden has in such important issues as sustainable development, green energy and electrification of industrial processes and transport. Russian companies RUSAL, Hevel Group of Companies, NPO Morsvyazavtomatika LLC, and SSI Engineering LLC got possibility within the dialogue to present to Swedish partners their capabilities and intentions in these  fields.

Ms. Malena Mård, Ambassador of Sweden to the Russian Federation as well as Mr. Vladimir A. Dmitriev, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, both addressed to the participants of the dialogue with a welcoming speech. The dialogue was moderated by the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden Mr. Aleksandr V. Abramov.

Through various network platforms the dialogue was followed by 13 649 viewers, including 74% in the Russian Federation, 10% in Sweden, as well as in Germany, the USA and a number of other countries.

Malena Mård,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Embassy of Sweden in the Russian Federation

Vladimir Dmitriev,
Vice President,
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Patrik Antony,
General Manager, Chairman of the Ingka Russia Management Board,
Ingka Russia

Anton Bazulev,
Vice President, International Projects,

Hamish Bennett,
Vice President, Head of Product Management,

Elena Bodnarchuk,
Vice President, International Development,
Hevel Group

Klas Sandrén,
Vice President, Industrial Planning & Partnerships,

Mihail Timofeev,
Production Director, EcoVolt Project,
LLC NPK Morsvyazavtomatika

Kaj Möller,
President, SWECO International,

Sergey Ulasevich,
Board Member, Shareholder,
SSE Engineering, JSC

Magnus Blomberg,
Senior Director, Global Biologics,
Board member, Swedish Chamber of Commerce for Russia and CIS

Сarl Meurling,
Director General,
Swedish Technology and Financial Development – STFD AB

Trade Representative of Russian Federation in Sweden

Detailed information about the held event is available at:


A new reality for the global economy – from the Atlantic to the Pacific

Themes for discussion:

• The future of the oil industry: a new strategic outlook on supply, demand, and market balance, and the pursuit of a new socioeconomic development model.

• The structural economic crisis and the pandemic: seeking a new geopolitical and socioeconomic order (Europe, Eurasia, the US, China). • Prospects for the gas industry, particularly LNG, in the new economic reality.

• The key role of genetics and genome research in the new socioeconomic reality: the contribution made by gene technology to medicine, the environment, agriculture, industry and energy.

• Europe-Eurasia links: logistics, transport, communications, digitalization and the need for political dialogue.

• Overcoming social inequality and poverty as today’s society evolves.

• How can banks, fintech and financial regulators respond to young people calling for more socioeconomic responsibility?

• Different global recovery models and strategies for rebooting economic growth and prosperous international trade.

• The current socioeconomic crisis: is it time to re-energize the dialogue between Europe and Russia?

Forum participants: leading figures in politics, government, and society; ministers of the Eurasian Economic Commission; heads of major corporations and banks; business representatives; diplomats; experts; and journalists

Organizers: Conoscere Eurasia Association, the Roscongress Foundation

The Forum is held under the patronage of the Verona city administration

IMBRICS is an annual platform that brings together the municipalities of the five countries to build political, economic and humanitarian cooperation. The Forum’s platforms are geared towards a presentation of socio-economic opportunities and municipal achievements in scientific and engineering efforts, as well as an exchange of best practices aimed at the development of mutually beneficial integration processes. On the margins of the IMBRICS Forum municipalities have an opportunity to present their investment-attractive projects for profitable capital injection, and delegates can establish new business contacts.

The Forum’s program is focused on the discussion of key issues in the field of economic development, trade, investment diversification and evolution of BRICS investment policy, construction and modernization of urban infrastructure, digitalization and innovative technologies, agriculture, ecology, tourism, culture and education, sports, humanitarian cooperation and social project management.

Russian and foreign statesmen, representatives of business and scientific circles, corporate executives, authoritative public experts and many others participate in the Forum.


Dear Friends,

We are glad to invite you to participate in Industrial Dialogue: Russia – Sweden starting at INNOPROM ONLINE platform 11 a.m. Swedish time, October, 7th , 2020.

Top managers from both Swedish and Russian major companies will exchange views on Global development, New technologies and their impact on our everyday life, Modern industrial trends.

Sweden is a highly important foreign trade partner for the Russian Federation which supplies high-technology products and owns cutting-edge innovative technologies. Bilateral relations are successfully developing in such sectors as metallurgy and machine building, automobile and pharmaceutical industries.

TOPICS for discussiaon

  • Industrial cooperation: opportunities for cooperation
  • How to increase mutual trade flows
  • Innovation technologies: what both countries are to offer

Registration available here https://innoprom.com/en/calendar-events/innoprom-online-7-october

Glad to see You in our forum