The III meeting of young entrepreneurs in September 2012 organized by Entrepreneurship Support Foundation of Ugra, held a contest for the best logo “Made in Ugra”.
The goal of project is to promote in other regions and countries the products and services of local producers under the brand “Made in Ugra” and recognition of this brand in foreign markets.
Project mission is to create a positive image of regional producers among residents of the okrug and nationwide, as well as among foreign consumers. Currently the application of Support Center for Ugra Export for state registration of the trademark “Made in Ugra!” accepted for review by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property.
Products manufactured by small and medium enterprises of the autonomous okrug, which meets all quality standards, will be labeled with trademark “Made in Ugra!” after registration of this trademark.
Special economic zone of industrial production type Lotus (SEZ Lotus) and a port special economic zone (port SEZ) SEZ Lotus and a port SEZ are located in the Astrakhan region at the intersection of the International North-South Transport Corridor (the INSTC) and the north part of the Great Silk Way. The Astrakhan region has borders with the countries of the Caspian Sea. There are 8 states within a radius of 1000 km from the Astrakhan region with a total population of more than 300 million people. Such advantageous geopolitical location of SEZ Lotus and a port SEZ makes them the only special economic zones in Russia that have access to the markets of the countries of the Caspian Sea, India, the countries of Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Under the conditions of an active development of the International North-South Transport Corridor, implementation of a project on the territory of special economic zone in the Astrakhan region is the best solution for a company, planning to enter this market. The INSTC that runs through the Caspian Sea and the Astrakhan region, is the shortest and the most cost-effective route for cargo deliveries from India, Southeast Asia, Africa and Middle Eastern countries to Europe and back. The main advantages of the INSTC compared to other routes, in particular over the route running through the Suez Canal, are distance reduction by more than half, time saving for container cargos transportation from 37 to 15-17 days, and 30% reduction of transportation costs. Industrial production special economic zone Lotus (SEZ Lotus) was established in the Astrakhan region according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №1214 of November 18, 2014. Currently, in SEZ Lotus there are 16 tenants with more than 30 billion rubles of the declared investments, including companies from Russia, Italy, Azerbaijan and Iran. Tenants are provided with engineering infrastructure, the roads are being built, development of the territory continues. According to the set of measures for the development of the INSTC transit potential on November 7, 2020 the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the creation of a port special economic zone in the Astrakhan region, which will be united with the industrial-production SEZ Lotus into the Caspian Cluster, was launched. Construction of a new port and logistics complex with a modern container terminal will be the anchor project. SEZ Lotus tenants would have the following preferences:
tax and customs concessions (according to the laws of the Russian Federation);
free connection to utility infrastructure;
a “one-stop shop” system breaking administrative barriers in business operations;
powerful logistic capabilities (rail, road and ship transport);
preferential land lease terms, possibility to buy a land plot upon
completing the construction of the real estate item under the land plot. SEZ Lotus tenants can carry out various types of industrial and production activities. It is possible to establish enterprises of five hazard classes. An additional advantage is the proximity to the markets of shipbuilding and the oil and gas industry – oil and gas companies are implementing their long-term projects in the Astrakhan region and on the shelf of the Caspian Sea; large and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprises (including divisions of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) operate in the region. Considering the political and economic situations, the most promising industries for arranging production on the territory of the SEZ Lotus are shipbuilding, production of equipment and components for oil and gas industry, chemical industry, food processing industry, pharmaceutical and other high-technology industries. The industries are determined on the basis of considerable level of recourses in the Astrakhan region and in the Southern Federal District. JSC SEZ Lotus provides the tenants with the needed amount of such resources as water, gas, electricity. A tenant of a port SEZ may carry out the following port activities:
goods warehousing, storage;
provision and equipment of vessels;
water biological resources processing;
preparation operations of goods for sale and transportation (packing, sorting, repacking, lot dividing, marking and similar operations);
production, repair, maintenance, modernization of sea-going, river vessels and other components;
wholesale trade in goods;
production activity according to the port special economic zone activity agreement; Production activity on the territory of a port SEZ may be related to the predominant types of cargo as well as their modes of transportation;
other activities, e.g. processing of agricultural products, fish processing, wood processing, sulphur processing, production of building materials, etc. (according to the laws of the Russian Federation).
The project of an industrial production special economic zone tenant should provide at least 120 million rubles investment in his own production and this amount contains such expenses as construction of industrial facilities, equipment costs and other operating expenses necessary for commencement of works. The project of a port special economic zone tenant should provide at least 400 million rubles investment for the construction of the port infrastructure and at least 120 million rubles for the reconstruction of the port infrastructure. To obtain a tenant status, a business plan must be developed. After a successful presentation of the business plan the company concludes an agreement on industrial production activity with the Government of the Astrakhan region and JSC “SEZ “Lotus”. Within three years of the date of conclusion of the agreement on carrying out activity a tenant is obliged to make capital investments in the amount not less than of forty million rubles. The tenant status is valid until the year 2063. More information about the advantages of establishing an investment project on the territory of the SEZ Lotus and a port SEZ you can get by visiting the official website Taking into account the governmental support from the Russian Federation and the Astrakhan Region for creating SEZ Lotus and port SEZ, active development of the INSTC, broad economic relationships with neighboring states, as well as a lot of preferences for business, we would like to invite you to become a tenant of our special economic zones and implement your project.
Den officiella presentationen av det elektriska fordonet Kama-1, utvecklat av Computer Engineering Center of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) tillsammans med Kamaz PJSC, ägde rum den 10 december under den VII årliga nationella utställningen VUZPROMEXPO-2020.
Tredörrars bil, placerad som en kompakt urban crossover, har en 80 kW (ca 109 hk) elmotor med bakhjulsdrift som accelererar bilen från noll till hundra kilometer i timmen på 6,7 sekunder, maximal hastighet – 150 km / h.
Den fyrsitsiga smarta crossoveren kan färdas cirka 250 kilometer utan laddning med en batterikapacitet på 33 kWh. Bilens längd är 3,4 m, bredd – 1,7 m, höjd – 1,6 meter, markfrigång – 160 millimeter.
En utmärkande egenskap hos den nya elektriska crossoveren är en interaktiv nio-tums skärm inbyggd i ratten, genom vilken du kan styra bilens informations- och multimediekomponenter. Det förväntas att den nya ryska elbilen kommer att kosta från 1 till 1,3 miljoner rubel motsvarande från 14 till 18 tussen USD. Massproduktion av “Kama-1” kan börja redan nästa år.
Computer Engineering Center of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)
Början av det tredje decenniet av 2000-talet medför nya, aldrig tidigare skådade utmaningar för den globala ekonomin. Hur kommer ekonomin under det nya decenniet att se ut? Vem kommer att vara framtidens marknadsledare? Hur förändras affärer under påverkan av nya faktorer i dagens värld? Hur gör jag en exportprodukt framgångsrik i upplevelsebranschen och hur går man in på onlinemarknaderna? Var finns Rysslands styrkor och svagheter i en ständigt föränderlig miljö och vad investerar vi i idag för morgondagens skull?
Experter, företrädare för företag, myndigheter och utvecklingsinstitutioner kommer att diskutera dessa och många andra frågor vid det årliga internationella exportforumet “Made in Russia”, som kommer att hållas den 9 december 2020.
Arrangören av forumet är det ryska exportcentret JSC. Ett rikt affärsprogram planeras, inom vilket ramar 6 tematiska rundabordssamtal, en plenarsession och en högtidlig ceremoni för att tilldela de bästa exportörerna i landet – vinnare av det allryska priset inom området internationellt samarbete och export “Exportör of the Year “kommer att hållas.
Direktsändning av sessionerna kommer att finnas tillgänglig på den officiella webbplatsen för forumet:
JSC “Russian Export Center” inbjuder dig att delta i det internationella exportforumet “Made in Russia”, som kommer att hållas online den 9 december!
Forumet har hållits sedan 2012 och har fått status som den viktigaste plattformen för att diskutera frågor om exportagendan inom ramen för det internationella samarbetet och exportnationella projekt.
Forumets nyckelämne 2020: “Utmaningar under det nya decenniet”. Programmet består av följande temablock:
• Diskussion om brådskande problem hos exportörer med medlemmar av Ryska federationens regering samt med ryska och internationella experter;
• Tillämpade frågor om inträde på internationella marknader;
• Nya affärslösningar för utveckling av exportaktiviteter;
• Digitalisering av exportprocesser – informationssystem “One Window”;
• Utveckling av upplevelsebranschen och online shopping.
Forumets affärsprogram omfattar sex temabaserade rundabordssamtal, en plenarsession, en högtidlig ceremoni med utmärkelsen av landets bästa exportörer – vinnare av det allryska priset inom området internationellt samarbete och export “Årets exportör”, såväl som
masterkurser om organisering av exportaktiviteter och sökande efter potentiella köpare utomlands.
Forumet kommer att delta av chefer för ryska och utländska företag, federala och regionala verkställande myndigheter, ryska banker, regionala exportstödcentra, specialföreningar och fackföreningar, affärsmedia och ledande experter.
Vi inbjuder dig att bli deltagare i forumet. Gå med i programmet, följ nyheterna om den viktigaste exportplattformen 2020 i media och sociala nätverk!