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EUROEXPO, the organiser of APTEKA MOSCOW, and EXPOCENTR, the organiser of Zdravookhraneniye (Healthcare) are proud to announce the beginning of fruitful cooperation and reunion of their two exhibitions within the WEEK OF RUSSIAN HEALTH CARE. As a result, APTEKA Moscow 2011 will be postponed from November to 5 to 8 of December and will be held parallel to Zdravookhraneniye in Pavillon 3 of Expocentr.

APTEKA MOSCOW being the leading platform for the medical-pharmaceutical industry for 15 years attracted 337 exhibitors and more than 12.000 visitors in 2008. Its main target has always been to establish business relationships between producers and manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and related products and distributors, retailers and pharmacies as well as to provide information about the Russian pharmaceutical market and Russian health care sector.

Zdravookhraneniye, being the biggest health care exhibition in Russia and CIS for already 18 years, has listed more than 1.000 exhibitors and attracted over 28.000 visitors in 2008, 94% thereof registered as professional trade visitors.

APTEKA and Zdravookhraneniye are the large-scale events in the medical and pharmaceutical industries with extensive parallel program. The program of APTEKA MOSCOW accommodates the interests of the main audience groups – public health specialists, developers, producers and distributors of healthcare products, pharmaceutical employers, practicing doctors and government representatives. The traditional long-term feature of APTEKA MOSCOW is Medical and Pharmaceutical Forum. The goal of this event – to inform participants about the most up-to-date and vital issues of pharmaceutical sector: regulatory framework, medicine distribution sector and etc.

The program of Forum includes scientific and technical conference, round tables, discussions, workshops on all medical trends. Leading specialists, including head doctors and professors, are involved in discussions of new curing technologies. The Forum consists of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Business Conference which covers the urgent challenges and trends of pharmaceutical market in Russia. Speakers of the leading pharmaceutical companies, distributors of healthcare products and government representatives are involved in this conference.

Over the years, APTEKA MOSCOW has become an important event for professionals. It presents a unique possibility for the specialists of all branches of pharmacy and medicine to exchange their experience and new knowledge. APTEKA also presents an opportunity to discuss the industry problems and barriers, and to put into practice the last scientific developments and technologies.

The union of APTEKA and Zdravookhranenie will offer outstanding synergies and benefits for exhibitors and visitors of both exhibitions. Russian Week of Healthcare besides of two exhibitions will include various scientific programs and conferences. The events are supported by the Russian Ministry of Health Care and Social Development, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian Academy of Medicine and the Ministry of Health Care of Moscow Region.

More about Fair you can find here

«Rzhev Crane-building Factory» company, Russia, for twenty years has been one of the leading manufacturers of tower cranes and other lifting equipment in Russia.

Since 1986, the company has supplied more than 6,000 tower cranes which are still used at construction sites.

By 2008, Rzhev Crane-building Factory had significantly strengthened its presence and had a 23% market share in Russia. During the pre-crisis period, its production output  increased at an average rate of 40% per annum.

The shareholders of the company acknowledge that it is vitally important to diversify the production and reequip the manufacturing facilities, in order to sustain our position in the market segment and significantly improve sales revenues.

We understand that financial investments are the key factor which will allow us to gain the company’s objectives and will be glad to discuss your potential participation in our investment project.

Lease of land:

Investment project:

Nizhny Novgorod Region is one of the largest regions situated in the heart of European Russia with strong industrial and scientific potential.

Nizhny Novgorod Region is located at the confluence of two rivers – the Volga and the Oka, 440 km east of Moscow. It takes 4 hours by car on the federal highway,
3 hours and 45 minutes by high-speed train and 40 minutes by plane to cover this distance.

It is worth mentioning that Nizhny Novgorod Region is located at the crossroads of two international transport corridors “East – West” and “North -South” that provide a steady flow of cargo in any direction, both across Russia and overseas.

Apart from extensive network of regional roads and railways with the density respectively 5 and 3 times larger than average in Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region has two more powerful hubs – an international airport and a river port with inland waterways having access to all the seas that bound European part of Russia.

Administrative centre of Nizhny Novgorod region is city Nizhny Novgorod which is at the same time the capital of one of 8 Russian Federal Districts – the Volga Federal District.

At present population of Nizhny Novgorod Region is 3,3 million people. The overall area of the region is 77 thousand square kilometers.

Nizhny Novgorod Region is located in the middle of the biggest sales market in Russia with high purchasing power. About 43 million people live within the radius of 500 kilometers and about 84 million – within the radius of 1000 km from Nizhny Novgorod. It leaves Moscow and St. Petersburg behind.

Despite the lack of rich natural resources Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the most industrialized regions of Russia. The basis for industry is formed by a high-tech manufacturing sector (70%). The major industries include engineering and metalworking, chemical and petrochemical industries, fuel industry, electric power, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, as well as woodworking, pulp and paper, light and food industries.

There are 91.5 thousand companies and organizations working in various fields of trade and economics registered in Nizhny Novgorod region.

External turnover of Nizhny Novgorod region in 2010 comprised 5075,9 million US dollars and increased by 4,1% compared to the year 2009. Export comprised 2543,3 million US dollars, whereas import – 2532,6 million US dollars.

Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the largest Russian centers for science-technical education, academic and industrial science.

Educational institutions annually welcome about 300 thousand schoolchildren and 200 thousand students.

The guaranty for successful development of the region at present is modernization of its economics and creation of most favorable conditions for life and work.

More about Investment potential of Nizhny Novgorod you can find in the following presentation:



The Penza Region is the state of the Russian Federation, located in European part of Russia with an approximate population of 1.4 mln. citizens and the territory of 43.4 thousand square kilometers. Our region is considered to be as one of the most attractive states of the Russian Federation. It was recognized as a region with a minimal investment risk on the territory of the Volga Federal District. Low levels of investment risks and general business support identifies the vast development of the region by attracting foreign capital. Moreover, the region offers a number of tax incentives for investors that implement projects in priority sectors (agriculture, timber processing, machine building, metalworking, food-processing industry, construction material, medical, glass and light industry). In particularly, the region releases organizations, implementing the priority investment projects, from transport taxation on the territory of the Penza region. The measures also determine the new rates on property taxes. Thus, organizations, implementing the priority investment projects, will be exempt from property tax for the period of return on investment costs for up to 8 years. Furthermore, the Penza Region has a highly professional Research and Development personnel, which is an educational and industrial potential for the development of innovative technologies.

The Penza region borders with the Republic of Mordovia in the north, Ulyanovsk Region in the east, Saratov Region in the south, and Tambov Region in the west. The developed network of roads and railways provides quick access to the neighbor regions, which could also be potential markets of your company products and services.

JSC Penza Region Development Corporation – is a regional operator of priority investment projects of the Government of the Penza region. The Corporation’s main responsibility is to develop communications and attract investors to the region. However, it also can create joint ventures with a joint capital. The Penza region Development Corporation has land and industrial buildings. In addition, the Corporation may assist you in selecting a business partner from our region and help you arrange in acquiring your office and construction buildings. Moreover, this organization can provide your company support with visa, legal and language assistance, preparation of engineering infrastructure implementing joint investment projects in the Penza region.

Download presentation:

More information about JSC Penza Region Development Corporation you can find on website: www.krpo.ru, and by telephone: +7 (8412) 68 08 37.

For and on behalf of the Joint Stock Company «Research Institute of Physical Measurements» we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Technical Conference «Sensors and Systems – 2011» on «Topical Issues on Design and Application of Smart Sensors and Systems for Monitoring and Control of Technically Complex Objects for Aerospace Equipment and Space Launch Complexes», to be held in Novorossiysk, v. Abrau-Dyurso, h. Maly Liman, boarding house «Zvezdny» from September 5th to 10th, 2011.

Purpose of the conference is lessons learned, progress exchange in solving topical issues on creation and application of smart sensors and systems for monitoring and control of technically complex objects for aerospace equipment and space launch complexes.

The host of the conference is Joint Stock Company «Research Institute of Physical Measurements» from the Federal Space Agency of Russia with the participation of Scientific Design and Technological Department «Piezopribor» SFEDU.

Due to the necessity of timely room reservations and conference programme specification, please by the 15th of August 2011, make payment of the registration fee and send fax or e-mail your filled application form to the following fax number or e-mail address: (8412) 55-14-99 or info@niifi.ru.

Registration form

More about the Conference


Alexander N. Semkin, Head of Scientific-Analytical Complex
Nadezhda V. Banaylis, Deputy Head of Marketing Department

Telephone: +7 (412) 56-57-23, 56-50-14
E-mail: nao22@niifi.ru