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“On Construction of an Oil Refining Factory with Annual Capacity of 6,000,000 tons for Raw Materials in the Krasnoarmeysky Municipal District of the Saratov Region”

It is planned to construct the factory at the site of total area about 1,016 hectares which is situated in 4 kilometers from Krasnoarmeysk town, the administrative center of the Krasnoarmeysky municipal district of the Saratov Region. The favorable geographical location of the chosen site ensures guaranteed supply of raw materials for the factory, as well as a full-scale transport and logistic infrastructure for shipping of trade goods by water, railway and motor transport.

In order to achieve the enterprise’s long-term competitiveness it is planned to choose the newest technological form of oil refining factory directed at the manufacture of European level quality oil products with the high added cost and export potential to be compatible with the Euro-4 and Euro-5 international quality standards, with expected depth of oil refining of more than 95 percent and the maximum indicator of light mineral oil selection.

As the result of this the Saratov Region will get:

  • High-performance enterprise with international competitiveness, producing “oil products basket” of European quality with high added cost and export potential satisfying the international market and ecological standards.
  • Oil products of high quality produced in accordance with advanced European quality standards.
  • Additional employment – 617 persons.
  • Annual revenues – 11.5 billion rubles.
  • Development of related sectors (oil extraction, petrochemistry) and infrastructure of the region and of its chemical science.
  • Facilitation of attracting investments into the Krasnoarmeysky municipal district of the Saratov Region.
Capital investments
Costs Amount, million rubles
I. Construction of the 1st start-up facility
Engineering services on conduct of exploratory design 3.0
Engineering services on feasibility study 30.1
Consulting services on selection of  project management team 0.9
Consulting services on project management 48.1
Elaboration of design documents 150.5
Expertise of the project 30.1
Equipment and building and assembly jobs 47,090.9
Engineering services on adjusting and start-up proceedings 18.1
TOTAL for section I: 47,371.7
II. Construction of the 2nd start-up facility
Equipment and building and assembly jobs 53,560.2
Engineering services on adjusting and start-up proceedings 27.1
Consulting services on project management 72.2
TOTAL for section II: 53,659.5
Basic  techno-economic indices
Annual raw material processing,  million tons 6.0
Range of produced goods:
diesel fuel (Euro-4, Euro-5) 40.3%
motor petrol (Euro -3, Euro -4, Euro -5) 42.5%
coke 6.1%
concentrated propylene 2.0%
modified bitumen 3.3%
liquefied  gas 3.3%
residual oil 2.5%
Total number of employees, persons 617
Aggregate sale proceeds, million rubles 96,264.9
Net cost of the products, million rubles 50,762.7
Profit tax, million rubles 4,491.9
Net income, million rubles 17,967.9
Efficiency, % 35%
Investment efficiency indices
Payback period of the project
– excluding discounting 10 years 10 months
– adjusted for discounting 17 years 10 months
Net present value (NPV) of the project, million rubles 25,988.9
Profitability index of investments (PI) 1.26
Accounting rate of return (ARR) 0.23
Internal rate of return  (IRR), % 76


Investment climate

Sverdlovsk Region is an attractive area for foreign investment The top five foreign investors are the USA, UK, France, Germany, China and the the Netherlands.
In 2008 the American Boeing Company and VSMPO signed a deal over $1 billion in December for the Russian company to supply the airline manufacturer with titanium needed to construct Boeings Dreamliner passenger plane. Also there are representative offices of such American companies as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and USWest. Since 1998 the bottling plants of Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been successfully working on the territory of Sverdlovsk Region.

Sverdlovsk Region possesses broad investment opportunities. The region attracts foreign partners due to various events that are held in Sverdlovsk Region regularly. International armament exhibition is held in the town of Nizghniy Tagil, annual Russian Economic Forum attracts many visitors to Ekaterinburg. Besides, there are different festivals, torments and other events in Sverdlovsk Region every year.
The contribution of Sverdlovsk Region to the countries development as a whole is great. Sverdlovsk Region’s location in the very centre of Russia makes it the important trading spot. This unique geographical location together with the developed transport network allows Sverdlovsk Region, in future, to become international transport corridor, which will connect Europe with south-eastern Asia.


Technological Innovation Special Economic Zone “Dubna” was established in the territory of Dubna, Moscow region by Russian Federation’s Government Decree #781 of December 21, 2005.

Special Economic Zones of Technological Innovation Type are set up for increase of Russian market share in international markets of hi-tech products and machinery development for concentration of intellectual assets and other resources for solutions of priority tasks in S&T sphere in modern conditions and in definite territory.

Areas of activities developed

  • Nuclear physics technologies and nanotechnologies
  • Biological and medical technologies
  • Composite materials
  • Complex engineering systems

Resident of the Zone has the right to carry out in the territory of the Special Economic Zone technological innovation activities only.  

Technological Innovation Activity means creation, production and sale of scientific and technical products, creation and implementation of computer programs, data bases, IC topologies, information systems, rendering services for introduction and support of such products, programs, bases, topologies and systems, production of scientific and technical products.


The City of Togliatti is a large industrial and business center of the region. About 60% of the total industrial output of the Samara Region is produced in the city.

Major enterprises of Russian machine building and chemical industries form the basis of the city economy. Their products are in great demand at Russian and international markets.

The concentration of the largest Russian plants of the automobile and chemical industries in Togliatti enables the foreign companies to deliver here their equipment, raw materials and services.

The social and economic policy of Togliatti aims at the development of the high tech industries to create and maintain in the city of Togliatti qualitative production, social infrastructure and new jobs, to attract the qualified specialists and as a result  to form new poles of competitiveness. A clear and correct innovative and investment policy has been established to provide for a favorable investment climate in Togliatti. The new approache to the operative and strategic planning hase been introdused to ensure the complex development of the territory. A comparatively high income of the citizens  creates active consumers’ demand that, in its turn, makes the city of Togliatti an attractive market for  foreign and Russian companies and their goods and services.

Here you can find more information about Ivestment potential of Samara Region.

Lipetsk region is one of the few honored to start realization of the important state project – creation on its territory of a special economic zone (SEZ) of industrial-productive type. It becomes even more honorable and responsible, because SEZs are considered to become the points of economic growth of Russia. Taking into account the interest of Russian and foreign investors to Lipetsk region and its special economic zones, there were created special economic zones of industrial-productive, agro-industrial and tourist-recreational type on the territory of Lipetsk region.

Scheme of the Lipetsk SEZ

In accordance with the Federal Law “On special economic zones in the Russian Federation” № 116-FZ, dd 22.07.2005, and the Decree of the Government of the RF № 782, dd 21.12.2005, the decision was taken to create a special economic zone of an industrial productive type at the territory of Lipetsk region of 10 sq. km size.

The said zone has been founded to develop a processing industry, hi-tech industries and new type productions in the region.

The said zone is regulated by the following conditions:

  • 20 year period of validity;
  • project capital investments in roubles should be equivalent to 10 mln euro (during the first year – not less than 1 mln euro) according to the rate of the Central bank of the RF;
  • engineering, transport and social infrastructure is financed from federal and regional budgets, as well as from other sources;
  • state support of the residents of the special economic zone.


Territorial Department of the Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones of Lipetsk Region

Skorohodova 2, 398019 Lipetsk, Russia,
Tel/fax: +7 (4742) 77-15-35
e-mail: lvv@admlr.lipetsk.ru
site: www.sez-lipetsk.ru

OJSC “Special Economic Zone of Industrial-Productive Type “Lipetsk”

Skorohodova 2, 398019 Lipetsk, Russia
Tel.+7 (4742) 23-77-35, fax 22-64-13
e-mail: info@sez.lipetsk.ru