

Investment opportunities of Sverdlovsk Region

Investment climate

Sverdlovsk Region is an attractive area for foreign investment The top five foreign investors are the USA, UK, France, Germany, China and the the Netherlands.
In 2008 the American Boeing Company and VSMPO signed a deal over $1 billion in December for the Russian company to supply the airline manufacturer with titanium needed to construct Boeings Dreamliner passenger plane. Also there are representative offices of such American companies as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and USWest. Since 1998 the bottling plants of Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been successfully working on the territory of Sverdlovsk Region.

Sverdlovsk Region possesses broad investment opportunities. The region attracts foreign partners due to various events that are held in Sverdlovsk Region regularly. International armament exhibition is held in the town of Nizghniy Tagil, annual Russian Economic Forum attracts many visitors to Ekaterinburg. Besides, there are different festivals, torments and other events in Sverdlovsk Region every year.
The contribution of Sverdlovsk Region to the countries development as a whole is great. Sverdlovsk Region’s location in the very centre of Russia makes it the important trading spot. This unique geographical location together with the developed transport network allows Sverdlovsk Region, in future, to become international transport corridor, which will connect Europe with south-eastern Asia.
