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Rodniki Industrial Park comprises the territory of 370 ha with industrial and auxiliary facilities, own electric power station and complete infrastructure required for new production development in the shortest possible time.

The park includes more than 300 000 m2 of production, storage and office premises and auxiliary facilities with all necessary communications.

The industrial park provides more than 320 ha of unoccupied land with all communications available for construction of new greenfield.

The industrial park managing company provides a full range of services and assists in organization of production.

The park own heat and power station makes it possible to satisfy needs of park residents in heat and electric power at prices lower than those prevailing in the market.

RODNIKI Industrial Park offers a number of unique advantages as compared to any other park in Russia.


The main advantage of the park is its own heat and electric power station providing low cost electricity and heat.

· Heat generated by the station costs less in comparison with other regions (750 RUR/Gcal vs. 1290 RUR/ГGcal in the Moscow Region). We plan to triple the station capacity in 2012.

· Electric power is connected by the Technological park free of charge, cf. the cost of connection in the Moscow Region – RUR 11 mln/megawatt.

· Electric power costs less than in other regions (2 RUR/kilowatt hour). If electric power is consumed in large amounts, discounts are possible.

There are unoccupied gas facilities on the complex territory:

· In 2011 RAO Gazprom plans to construct a new gas distribution station in the town of Rodniki.


· The minimal price for the park real estate is 4000 RUR/m2

· The minimal rental price is 60 RUR/m2 per month;

· All buildings in the park have necessary utilities and after cosmetic repairs they are ready for equipment installation.


· The Government of the Ivanovo Region grants property tax privileges for the Industrial park residents.


· The average monthly salary of qualified personnel is RUR10-15 thsd.


More about the Industrial Park you can find here.


For and on behalf of Exhibition Complex  “Russky Dom” we would like to inform you about International Exhibition “Russian Forest”, which will be held on December 7-9, 2011.

“Russian Forest” is a large-scale event contributing to completion of forest industry stabilization and development programs.

Within the framework of the exhibition the following events aimed at strengthening business and partner relations between forest enterprises:

  • Demonstration of  forest, pulp, paper, and wood processing industries  products, forestry equipment and accessories;
  • Familiarization with the work  and experience of the Vologda regional enterprises and advanced technologies of timber harvesting and logging, experience exchange;
  • Business seminars and round-table discussions devoted to the problems of the forest industry development involving Russian and foreign participants;
  • Demonstration of brand new samples of  woodworking equipment;
  • All-Russia scientific-practical conference.

For further information  on participation at the exhibition please contact the organizers:

Exhibition Complex  “Russky Dom”, Pushkinskaya str. 25A, Vologda, Russia, 160035

Tel/fax: +7 (8172) 729-297, 210-165, 757-709, E-mail: rusdom@vologda.ru

For advertising in the official catalogue of the exhibition please contact LTD “Nikart”

Tel.: +7 (8172) 72 97 64, E-mail: nikart@vologda.ru


Order for participation:

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For and on behalf of the North CCI we would like to invite you to participate in the 1st International Conference “Mining Industry – View to the Future” which takes place on the 10 – 11 of November, 2011 in Kirovsk and Apatity (Murmansk Region, Russia). Among the co-organizers of the conference are main mining companies of the Murmansk region and Euroarctic Chamber of Commerce of the Barents Region. The arrangements of the conference are held under the patronage of the Governor of the Murmansk region Dmitry Dmitrienko.

The conference is aimed at professional discussions concerning sustainable development in the mining industry, development of the mineral raw material base and effective usage of mineral recourses, implementing advanced resource-saving technologies and cost-cutting management models in mining businesses.

In our opinion arrangements within the Conference will contribute to modernization of the mining complex of the Murmansk Region based on new ideas and innovation technologies, attracting investments into this very important branch of the Murmansk region, strengthening international cooperation and exercising best international and domestic practices of mining business.

Main topics of the conference are:

  • Exploration of Minerals,
  • Innovations in Mining Industry,
  • Ore mining Equipment and Technology,
  • Ore Dressing and Processing,
  • Mining Industry Economics,
  • Financial Risks and Investments,
  • Providing Environmental Protection when operating mining complexes,
  • Social aspects related to operation of mining complexes,
  • Training of Personnel for Mining Industry.

Please, find more information about the conference on the web-page http://www.ncci.ru/en/section/extras/conference.

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On September 5-6, 2011 a delegation from St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad region visited Stockholm in order to get a closer look to the successful Swedish experience in the field of energy efficiency. The delegation consisted of 24 representatives of executive and legislative branches of two Russian regions as well as Association of house owners of St. Petersburg, municipal companies, etc.

The potential of Russian-Swedish Environment technology cooperation and the instrument to develop cooperation of infrastructure projects in Russia were presented by Mr. Mats Denninger, the High Representative for the Russian-Swedish Environmental technology cooperation and the Special advisor of Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jan-Olof Nyström.

The Swedish Energy Agency presented the Swedish energy policy and a Program for improving energy efficiency in energy intensive industries. Improving energy efficiency in construction was presented by expert of the Swedish Construction Federation. Construction company ByggVesta demonstrated their energy efficient house on site. Hammarby Sjöstad district was shown as an example of sustainable cities concept.

The Russian delegates made a presentation of the major energy efficiency projects in North-Western Russia.

The program in Stockholm contributed to a making-up a coherent picture of а system approach in the field of energy efficiency in Sweden.

The program of the visit of the Russian delegation to Stockholm was prepared by the Trade Representation and Secretariat for Russian-Swedish Environment Technology Cooperation within the Government Offices of Sweden.

For and on behalf of the company of “Shaturatorf” we would like to represent to your attention the information for potential investors. The company of “Shaturatorf” has been based in 1932 year. The general stocks of peat on a deposit – about 60 million tons. The company of “Shaturatorf” it is situated of Moscow Region.

The company of “Shaturatorf” has potential of dynamically developing Company. For today the company of “Shaturatorf” owns set of industrial technologies for manufacture of the qualitative production meeting the highest requirements. Our Company has corresponding capacities and has proved as the reliable supplier of qualitative production at the fair prices, such as: lumpy peat and agricultural, peat fuel milling, peat briquettes, peat pots, biocleaners, a drainage, fertilizers and other products from peat. For this purpose we plan the expenses connected with research activity of corresponding scientific research institutes and field experiments of leading agriculturists of Russia.

Peat use is rather diverse. Peat use in agriculture, in medicine and as fuel. Peat sale is supposed in all regions Russian Federations and for export. Competitiveness of production is provided with the low price and high quality. Realization of let out production is planned by directly enterprise and through general distributors. One of perspective lines of activity of the Company – peat granules – one of the most effective alternative energy sources. It is one of kinds of the firm biofuel, possessing high caloric content and ecological compatibility. Let’s be glad to give you our production. The corporate culture of the Company is constructed taking into account specificity of development of business. The enterprise has consulting support on economic problems from scientific research institute of Regional economy.

At present the company needs to attract investors for modernization and improvement of technological processes. The company expects to develop two courses: agriculture and fuel. According to the business – the company’s plans to attract 400 million rubles.

Agricultural course. 1. Peat extraction. Peat can be used in agriculture widely. It can be used for growing plants in open ground, to improve the soil to produce peat-sand mixtures and further use in landscape gardening, and also as a means  on poor sandy soils 2. Erection of a production site for the production of peat pots 3. Park of the cars for this course. Agricultural course  developed need to attract investments worth 100 million rubles.

Fuel line. 1. Peat extraction. Peat – an excellent raw material for the production of pulverized combustion of peat,peat briquettes and polubriketov for domestic fuels, peat pellets, 2. Erection of a production site for the production of peat briquettes. 3. Erection of a production site for the production of peat granules (pellets), 4. Park of the cars for this course. In general, the development of the fuel lines need to attract investments worth 260 million rubles.

Placement of production facilities is expected in the existing company buildings that require renovation. For the reconstruction required 40 million rubles.

The factors favoring to investment in the company: politically stable region; good access to the markets of the qualified labor, raw materials and consumers; well developed infrastructure of distribution and production sale; liquid property of the company; contacts to local authorities, possibilities of reception of guarantees on the investment are come into.

Financially – the Company economic situation is stable. Invested money resources are supposed to be used on modernization of manufacture and perfection of technological processes.


The company of “Shaturatorf”  is opened for investors and for discussion about strategy of investment.