
Våra nyheter

On December 7, 2011 the International Grain Forum “World grain market – prospects, challenges, risks, threats” will take place in Moscow, “The Renaissance Moscow Hotel 4*”. The Forum is held on the threshold of the 34th Session of the International Grains Council that this year is organized in Russia – the country which representative is the Chairman of the International Grains Council, and is the key event of the world grain market where representatives of countries-members of the International Grains Council take part. The IGF organizational committee includes the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the decision of the IGF organizational committee, organizational and technical provision of the event is held by the Russian Grain Union.

During the International Grain Forum “World grain market – prospects, challenges, risks, threats” it is planned to discuss issues covering current state and prospects of world grain market development, including global food security, macroeconomic conditions of grain market development in light of current financial instability etc.

In view of Russia’s presidency in APEC in 2012, special session on APEC grain markets and the discussion on issues of agricultural food prices volatility are going to be held.

Representatives of federal and regional authorities, managers of leading agricultural holdings and enterprises, grain processing and storage organizations, agricultural machinery enterprises, manufacturers of chemicals, infrastructure and logistics organizations, leading Russian and foreign experts, heads of financial institutions from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, countries of EU, Middle East and South-East Asia are invited to take part in the conference.

Holding of the International Grain Forum in Russia, as one of the major participants of the world grain market, will allow to discuss the most pressing problems existing currently at the world grain market as well as to consider the possibilities of new deals and business contacts.



Application form

For participation conditions, sponsorship and advertising services, please contact the conference organizers by:

The Russian Grain Union: +7 (495) 607-82-85, +7 (499) 975-53-57

E-mail: sau@grun.ru, mariagrain@grun.ru

Registration fee for one participant:

Cost per 1 participant in case of payment before December 06, 2011

Cost per 1 participant in case of payment at the Forum

$ 930

$ 1070

€ 665

€ 760

£ 580

£ 660

Registration fee includes:

  • participation in the working sessions according to the Forum program;
  • Forum informational materials provision;
  • simultaneous translation (Russian/English/French/Spanish/Arabic/Chinese);
  • coffee breaks, lunch;
  • cocktail in the honour of the Forum participants.


29 – 30 November, 2011
St. Petersburg, Russia

«Life Sciences Invest» (Partnering Russia) International Forum is the first partnering in Russia and a main venue focused to provide communication between the Life Sciences companies and investors. This includes pharmacy, biotechnology and medicine.

The Forum is targeted to support key initiatives of the Russian Government on developing these spheres, as they form the basis for high quality of living and sustainable development. The growing medical and pharmaceutical market with developing biotechnology in Russia are attractive for new market players, both huge and developing companies; it also contributes to creation of a modern infrastructure, incl. banks, venture funds, R&D and consulting companies.

St. Petersburg has been pointed as the Forum’s venue as today it is the most attractive city for investment in Russia with great potential and dynamically growing market, and the most comfortable place to start new Life Sciences projects.

The Life Sciences Invest Forum is aimed to:

  • contribute to the technology transfer and infrastructure development to create the innovative Life Sciences sector;
  • promote attractiveness of the Russian Life Sciences for investment and doing business;
  • make contacts and provide cooperation with the world’s key Life Sciences clusters and companies.

The Life Sciences Invest Forum key discussions:

  • Investment attractiveness of the Life Sciences sector in Russia (pharmacy, biotechnology and medicine);
  • International partnership as a tool to develop and introduce innovative technologies in Russia;
  • State support of developing innovations in Russia. Key state initiatives and programs;
  • International practice of Life Sciences innovations;
  • Ways to attract international business for innovative activities in Russia.

The Forum’s program includes presentations and workshops of the consulting companies, leading international clusters and companies, banks, supporting and service companies.

The Forum’s participants are over 200 delegates who represent:

  • Russian and international pharmaceutical companies,
  • Key clusters and associations;
  • Governmental authorities;
  • Companies developing and manufacturing medicines and medical devices;
  • Innovative R&D companies;
  • Banks and investment companies;
  • Mass media.

The Forum is organized by the Medical and Pharmaceutical Projects of the XXI Century NPO, operated by the RESTEC Exhibition Company, with support of the Government of St. Petersburg.

More about the Forum you can find here: http://lsipr.ru/en/


Project manager
Irina Belova
+7 (931) 218-59-78, belova_irene@mail.ru

+7 (812) 303-88-67, emelyanova@restec.ru

A regular meeting of IT and Telecommunications Working Group took place on October, 12-13 in Stockholm. Representatives of the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, the Swedish Ministry for Enterprise, Energy and Communications, Russian and Swedish operators and telecom companies as well as Russian Trade Representation in Sweden participated in the meeting.

Agenda included discussions on a wide range of issues such as broadband, roaming, e-governance, co-operational experience in the field of information and communication technologies.

Russian delegation has also visited the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), Ericsson and Tele2.

The next meeting of IT and Telecommunications Working Group will take place next year in Moscow. 


Blekinge och Kaliningrad har tecknat en principöverenskommelse att utreda möjligheterna att öppna en färjelinje mellan regionerna. Avtalet mellan Region Blekinge och Kaliningrad tecknades under besöket från Kaliningrad i Blekinge.

Östersjön är ett viktigt område för svensk handel där över 100 miljoner människor bor. Det är också ett prioriterat område inom EU genom Östersjöstrategin samtidigt som Sverige har fem av sina 15 största länder för handel i området. Blekinge är kanske den region i Sverige som flitigast odlar egna kontakter med länderna kring Östersjön och har också tilldelats några av EU:s flaggskeppsprojekt för området.

Med sitt geografiska läge och sin utbyggda infrastruktur i form av hamnar (Karlshamn och Karlskrona) och Kallinge flygplats, ser Blekinge en stor möjlighet att bli ett centrum för svensk handel och utbyte med de södra Östersjöländerna när allt fler handelshinder undanröjs.

Avtalet runt en färja för godstransport är en del i den vision som Blekinge arbetar med.

– Jag är mycket glad att vi nu är överens om att börja utreda möjligheterna för en färjelinje mellan Blekinge och Kaliningrad. Vi och Kaliningrad har olika uppgifter och samarbetar i processen, säger Lennarth Förberg, vice ordförande i Region Blekinge.

Överenskommelsen innebär att Region Blekinge ska utreda möjligheterna för färjetrafik mellan de båda regionerna. Kaliningrad utreder hur gods kan transporteras vidare från Kaliningrad in i södra Ryssland och till Indien och Kina.


Memorandum of understanding


Region Blekinges vision är att skapa en miljövänlig transportkorridor över Östersjön och vidare ner mot Kina och Indien.

Bilden är fri att använda.

För mer information:

Lennarth Förberg
Vice ordförande Region Blekinge
Telefon: 0708-3360 33


Johan Holmgren
Tf informationschef
Region Blekinge
Telefon: 0455-30 50 43
E-post: johan.holmgren@regionblekinge.se

Om Region Blekinge
Region Blekinge har det samlade politiska ansvaret för utvecklingen i Blekinge. Vi företräder medborgarna i viktiga frågor som rör tillväxt och utveckling i länet. Region Blekinges främsta uppdrag är att göra Blekinge till en ännu bättre region att leva och verka i.

Bild: vice ordförande i Region Blekinge Lennart Förberg och vice guvernör för Kaliningrad Gennady Shcherbakov undertecknar av avtalet.

The Kaluga region is situated in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, 60 km from Moscow (Moscow city and the Kaluga region has a common border, according to Russian Government decision), borders with 5 regions of the Russian Federation.

Area – 29,8 thousand km2.
Population – 1002,9 thousand people.
Regional centre – Kaluga city (343 thousand people) is situated 150 km to the south-west from Moscow.

Foreign economic activity

Foreign trade partners – companies from over than 90 countries of the world (look for details the last section of this document “Investment activity”). Foreign trade turnover in 2010 comprised 6,4 bln. US $.
The main commercial partners of the region are Germany, Finland, Austria, Japan, China, Netherlands. Foreign countries share in total trade turnover of the region equals 94%. Fourteen factories were built in the Kaluga region in 2010. According to the investment prospects rating by World Organization of Creditors in 2011, the Kaluga region is on the first place in the Central Federal District and on the third one in Russia. Foreign investments’ volume to the Kaluga region is 4.6 bln. dollars from 2006 to

Market infrastructure

  • 4 regional banks and 27 branches of foreign credit organizations function in the Kaluga region;
  • two regional insurance organizations;
  • 23 branches of insurance companies of other regions;
  • 4 organizations rendering leasing services;
  • organizations rendering consultative services in the sphere of economics, audit and management; Kaluga Chamber of Commerce.

Transport infrastructure

According to the density index of railroads and motor roads the Kaluga region belongs to the top 20 regions of Russia. The territory of the region is crossed by two federal highways (Moscow-Brest, Moscow-Kiev). Means of communications network of the region includes 872 km of railroads. Total length of road-transport network of general use in the region comprises over 5 thousand km, including 0,8 thousand km of federal and 4,2 thousand km of regional use. Share of hard-surface roads in the network of general use comprises 98,6% from the total length. Part of the Oka river (total length of 101 km) is used for navigation.

Please, have a look at Kaluga Region newsletter


Common information about Region

Investment potential