
Våra nyheter

“Trans-Inert-Gas” LLC has been dealing with production and sale of inert gases since 2005. The main product of our company is ultraclean gases – krypton and xenon.

The standard of  the xenon purity is 99.9995% . If it is necessary this index can reach 99.99999%. Xenon is used in space industry, medicine, production of lamps and lasers, electronic industry, and scientific studies.

The standard of the krypton purity makes up 99,999%. Krypton is used in production of insulating units to fill the space between window glasses, in production of lamps and lasers, and in different scientific elaborations.

Production is supplied in Russian standard 40-liter cylinders. If it is necessary, our cylinders can be completed with special transitional gadgets for the European, American, Chinese or Indian thread. Each cylinder has its certificate of quality. It is also possible to fill with gases the cylinders of our customers.

Thanks to the innovative scientific elaborations in the sphere of production, logistics, and management the prices of our products are the most favourable in comparison with Russian, Ukrainian, European and other competitors.

Our company has the experience of collaboration with foreign partners. We export our product to the USA, Germany, The Netherlands and Poland. We have also the experience of export to Ukraine and China.

At this moment we are aspiring to extend the number of our customers and to work directly with our ultimate consumers.
Our manufacture is situated in Ekaterinburg.

Contact us:
Telephone/fax: +7 495 580-37-17
Mobile: +7 926 494-83-60
Anastasia Dolgikh, Sales Manager
E-mail: tig@trans-inert-gaz.ru

For and on behalf of RESTEC Exhibition Company we have the pleasure to invite you to take part at St.Petersburg International Pharmacy Engineering and Biotechnology Forum – IPhEB. The Forum is organised with the support of St.Petersburg Government, the industry unions and associations and will take place on April 3 – 5, 2012 in St.Petersburg.

The Forum cosists of two parts, business events will take part in Corinthia Hotel Nevsky, and the exhibition will be held in Central Exhibition Hall Manege.

Fell free to visit IPhEB official website for information on participation in the Forum events on http://www.ipheb.ru or contact IPhEB Organising Committee +7 812 303-88-66,
E-mail: nanosales@restec.ru


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Drill rigs production is a traditional sphere of activity of our company.  Our aim is to turn our knowledge and experience in the field of drill rigs development and production into competitive advantages of our partners.

Much has been changed for more than one-hundred-twenty history of the company. But we remain constant in our effort to create drilling equipment which is capable to provide effective drilling for our partners.

“Geomash” produces a wide range of mobile multi-purpose drill rigs for tasks solution in the area of geological survey drilling, seismic exploration, engineering investigation, drilling of various purpose holes for construction works and for water well.

“Geomash” quality management system corresponds to ISO 9001:2008 standard concerning design and production of mobile drill rigs, spare parts and drilling tools for it.

About "GeoMash"

“Geomash” Construction Design Bureau. Details do matter!

The basic working approach of “Geomash” Construction Design bureau is to create effective and safe drill rigs for tasks solution in the field of drilling.

Detailed knowledge of drilling technological process and problems, which our customers face in the drilling process, give us today a possibility to create drill rigs which are at most adapted for geological conditions and tasks being solved by our customers.

Forms of cooperation

“Geomash” offers high possibilities for cooperation to the customers:

  • consultations
  • complex deliveries of serial drill rigs with drilling tools as a unit
  • equipment development according to the customers’ preliminary specification
  • different variants of purchase (by installments, leasing, payment by security papers) and delivery of the equipment

Service support

Our customers and partners are provided with service support. They are supplied promptly with spare parts. If it is necessary warranty repair of drill rigs is provided.

Major partners running “Geomash” equipment

Companies with different sphere of activities are running “Geomash” equipment.  The delivery of the equipment is not limited by the territory of the Russian Federation, it also includes near- and far-abroad countries.

Among the company’s partners there are large gas and oil production enterprises, such as “Gazprom” “RAO UES”, “Bashneft”, “Lukoil”, “Rosneft”, “Sibneft”, Slavneft”, “Surgutneftegas”, “Schlumberger logelco Inc.”  Permanent partners of the company are the largest geophysical companies. Among “Geomash” customers there are a lot of engineering exploration and construction companies.

> “Geomash”

The Ulyanovsk Region is a region with a rich history and great prospects of economic development, one of the leaders of the Volga Federal District in terms of growth and foreign investments. Compared to other regions of Russia it has a number of important competitive advantages:

  1. An advantageous geographical location in the heart of the European part of Russia and developed transport infrastructure, including two airports, which can accept any type of aircraft. In 2009 Ulyanovsk is completing the construction of a new bridge over the River Volga, one of the largest bridges in Europe. Together with the port special economic zone «Volga Avia» it will transfer Ulyanovsk into an important inter-regional logistics center.
  2. Rapid development of engineering infrastructure. We have solved the problems of reconstruction of the main «Gas artery» of the region and the construction of additional gas pipeline, which will not only fully meet the needs of existing and future enterprises in heat and electricity, but also provide the necessary reserves for 10-15 years ahead.
  3. A considerable industrial, scientific and innovative potential of the region, which is one of the largest industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centers of the Volga region.
  4. The main thing – the Ulyanovsk Government has worked out the necessary legislation and effective system of state support of investment projects. It has passed legislation providing the investors with significant redemptions on the major taxes – on property, land and income. There has been established a mortgage fund formed from among the objects of the regional property for the investors to ensure their bank loans. Relatively new type of investor support is subsidizing the cost of stuff training.
  5. Another important measure is preparing the available industrial sites and providing them with all the necessary engineering communications within the boundaries of the site. We have recently created the first such site – an industrial zone «Zavolzhie». In 2009 we are completing another industrial zone in Novoulyanovsk.

We are sure that our proposals are of interest for business people with common sense and able to see that the benefits from the projects are many times higher than commercial risks. 37 thousand square kilometers of investment scopes of the Ulyanovsk Region are waiting for new investors!

Contact information:
: 432071, Ulyanovsk, Ryleyev’s street, 41
Tel: +7 8422 444572, 413380, 412880, 416165
Fax: +7 8422 444573
e-mail: info@ulregion.com