

Trans-Inert-Gas LLC. Ultraclean gases production

“Trans-Inert-Gas” LLC has been dealing with production and sale of inert gases since 2005. The main product of our company is ultraclean gases – krypton and xenon.

The standard of  the xenon purity is 99.9995% . If it is necessary this index can reach 99.99999%. Xenon is used in space industry, medicine, production of lamps and lasers, electronic industry, and scientific studies.

The standard of the krypton purity makes up 99,999%. Krypton is used in production of insulating units to fill the space between window glasses, in production of lamps and lasers, and in different scientific elaborations.

Production is supplied in Russian standard 40-liter cylinders. If it is necessary, our cylinders can be completed with special transitional gadgets for the European, American, Chinese or Indian thread. Each cylinder has its certificate of quality. It is also possible to fill with gases the cylinders of our customers.

Thanks to the innovative scientific elaborations in the sphere of production, logistics, and management the prices of our products are the most favourable in comparison with Russian, Ukrainian, European and other competitors.

Our company has the experience of collaboration with foreign partners. We export our product to the USA, Germany, The Netherlands and Poland. We have also the experience of export to Ukraine and China.

At this moment we are aspiring to extend the number of our customers and to work directly with our ultimate consumers.
Our manufacture is situated in Ekaterinburg.

Contact us:
Telephone/fax: +7 495 580-37-17
Mobile: +7 926 494-83-60
Anastasia Dolgikh, Sales Manager
E-mail: tig@trans-inert-gaz.ru