

International Exhibition “Russian Forest”

For and on behalf of Exhibition Complex  “Russky Dom” we would like to inform you about International Exhibition “Russian Forest”, which will be held on December 7-9, 2011.

“Russian Forest” is a large-scale event contributing to completion of forest industry stabilization and development programs.

Within the framework of the exhibition the following events aimed at strengthening business and partner relations between forest enterprises:

  • Demonstration of  forest, pulp, paper, and wood processing industries  products, forestry equipment and accessories;
  • Familiarization with the work  and experience of the Vologda regional enterprises and advanced technologies of timber harvesting and logging, experience exchange;
  • Business seminars and round-table discussions devoted to the problems of the forest industry development involving Russian and foreign participants;
  • Demonstration of brand new samples of  woodworking equipment;
  • All-Russia scientific-practical conference.

For further information  on participation at the exhibition please contact the organizers:

Exhibition Complex  “Russky Dom”, Pushkinskaya str. 25A, Vologda, Russia, 160035

Tel/fax: +7 (8172) 729-297, 210-165, 757-709, E-mail: rusdom@vologda.ru

For advertising in the official catalogue of the exhibition please contact LTD “Nikart”

Tel.: +7 (8172) 72 97 64, E-mail: nikart@vologda.ru


Order for participation:

Hotel booking: