

Penza region. Investment opportunities


The Penza Region is the state of the Russian Federation, located in European part of Russia with an approximate population of 1.4 mln. citizens and the territory of 43.4 thousand square kilometers. Our region is considered to be as one of the most attractive states of the Russian Federation. It was recognized as a region with a minimal investment risk on the territory of the Volga Federal District. Low levels of investment risks and general business support identifies the vast development of the region by attracting foreign capital. Moreover, the region offers a number of tax incentives for investors that implement projects in priority sectors (agriculture, timber processing, machine building, metalworking, food-processing industry, construction material, medical, glass and light industry). In particularly, the region releases organizations, implementing the priority investment projects, from transport taxation on the territory of the Penza region. The measures also determine the new rates on property taxes. Thus, organizations, implementing the priority investment projects, will be exempt from property tax for the period of return on investment costs for up to 8 years. Furthermore, the Penza Region has a highly professional Research and Development personnel, which is an educational and industrial potential for the development of innovative technologies.

The Penza region borders with the Republic of Mordovia in the north, Ulyanovsk Region in the east, Saratov Region in the south, and Tambov Region in the west. The developed network of roads and railways provides quick access to the neighbor regions, which could also be potential markets of your company products and services.

JSC Penza Region Development Corporation – is a regional operator of priority investment projects of the Government of the Penza region. The Corporation’s main responsibility is to develop communications and attract investors to the region. However, it also can create joint ventures with a joint capital. The Penza region Development Corporation has land and industrial buildings. In addition, the Corporation may assist you in selecting a business partner from our region and help you arrange in acquiring your office and construction buildings. Moreover, this organization can provide your company support with visa, legal and language assistance, preparation of engineering infrastructure implementing joint investment projects in the Penza region.

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More information about JSC Penza Region Development Corporation you can find on website: www.krpo.ru, and by telephone: +7 (8412) 68 08 37.