

Scientific and technical conference «Sensors and Systems – 2011»

For and on behalf of the Joint Stock Company «Research Institute of Physical Measurements» we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Technical Conference «Sensors and Systems – 2011» on «Topical Issues on Design and Application of Smart Sensors and Systems for Monitoring and Control of Technically Complex Objects for Aerospace Equipment and Space Launch Complexes», to be held in Novorossiysk, v. Abrau-Dyurso, h. Maly Liman, boarding house «Zvezdny» from September 5th to 10th, 2011.

Purpose of the conference is lessons learned, progress exchange in solving topical issues on creation and application of smart sensors and systems for monitoring and control of technically complex objects for aerospace equipment and space launch complexes.

The host of the conference is Joint Stock Company «Research Institute of Physical Measurements» from the Federal Space Agency of Russia with the participation of Scientific Design and Technological Department «Piezopribor» SFEDU.

Due to the necessity of timely room reservations and conference programme specification, please by the 15th of August 2011, make payment of the registration fee and send fax or e-mail your filled application form to the following fax number or e-mail address: (8412) 55-14-99 or info@niifi.ru.

Registration form

More about the Conference


Alexander N. Semkin, Head of Scientific-Analytical Complex
Nadezhda V. Banaylis, Deputy Head of Marketing Department

Telephone: +7 (412) 56-57-23, 56-50-14
E-mail: nao22@niifi.ru