XII St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum

Event information:

  • DATE: 13 nov 2019 – 15 nov 2019
  • VENUE: congress halls
  • ORGANIZER: Government of St. Petersburg
  • EVENT TYPE: Forum
  • WEBSITE: https://spbinno.ru/en/

Key facts:

  • The largest congress and exhibition event of the North-West.
  • More than 10,000 specialists annually gather at the Forum site.
  • The event is organized by the The Committee for industrial policy, innovation and trade of St. Petersburg.

HEVEL Group påbörjar leveranser av ryska solceller till Sverige

Det första provpartiet av 150 solceller tillverkade i Tjuvasjien (mellersta Ryssland) fick nionde september 2019 operatören SDC Group AB i Stockholm.

Aleksandr Abramov, Ryska Federationens Handelsrepresentant i Sverige, tog del i mottagningen av varan.

  • Solceller har nominell effekt på 320 W vardera. Totalt planerar man leverera solceller med en total kapacitet på 3,2 megawatt de närmaste två åren inom ramavtalet med SDC Group AB, berättar han.

Det är första avtalet med köpare I Sverige för HEVEL Group. Bolaget hoppas på att svenska konsumenter gillar kvalitet samt relativt lågt kostnad av ryska solseller som har upp till 23,5% effektivitet och 25 års garanti.

Förutom solceller för solpaneler utvecklar LEVEL Group olika andra lösningar sådana som flexibla solceller för små båtar, med flera.

Hevel-gruppen http://www.hevelsolar.com/en/ grundades 2009 och är Rysslands största integrerade solenergiföretag. De viktigaste aktiviteterna är inriktade på högteknologisk tillverkning av solmoduler, konstruktion och drift av solkraftverk och forskning inom solenergi.

Mer om Hevel-gruppen (click to download):

New tourist-recreational cluster “Belaya Gora”

We invite potential investors to the new tourist-recreational cluster “Belaya Gora” in the Sverdlovsk oblast.

Prospective residents and potential investors are welcome for following types of business:

o accommodation

o health resort treatment and restcafes, restaurants, food courts o entertainment and leaisure o animal farms, zoos o agricultural products production o various locations with ethno- or/and agro- focus

o cultural facilities (museums, parks, etc.) o various services stations

We also provide SUPPORT for our investors:

o land without bidding

o tax preferences

o environmental and safety issues resolved

o engineering networks

o interaction and cooperation with authorities

For more information: https://yadi.sk/i/5W7Np3vxsND-4w

Website: https://www.gorabelaya.ru/


Russian New Ground-Effect Vehicle “Storm-600” with Build-in Solar Panels and Unique Intelligent Decision-Making System is Ready to Be Tested

First tests of the unique “Flying Boat” are going to be held in the waters of the Neva River in July-August 2019.

The first distinguishing feature of this new vehicle is an intelligent decision-making system, which was developed especially for this craft by specialists of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU). The vehicle is capable to move along a predetermined trajectory using GPS and independently decides on perform of manoeuvres, as well as to indicate obstacles and bypass them. The “Flying Boat’s” control system is equipped with an automatic mechanism that enables it to make decisions, taking into account international rules for preventing collisions of ships.

The second distinguishing feature is that the craft is capable to move at high speed (up to 200 km per hour) with almost unlimited drive range thanks to solar panels, which are installed both on the hull and wings of the “airplane”. They are operated together with the energy consumption planning system (CPS). Due to CPS vehicle is able to accumulate energy in day-time and spend it during the nights.