Monthly issue of Tula Region Development Corporation information letter

Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden would like to bring to your attention the monthly issue of Tula Region Development Corporation information letter.

The Tula Region is a dynamically developing region of Central Russia with an active investment attraction stance. Close proximity to Moscow, the largest national sales market, developed infrastructure, skilled human resources, and favorable investment environment are the key advantages of the Tula Region. The territory of the region is crossed by three federal freeways: M2 Moscow–Belgorod–Ukrainian Border, M4 Moscow–Novorossiysk, and M6 Moscow–Astrakhan. Major railway lines connect Tula with other regions of Russia, near- and far-abroad countries. The international DomodedovoAirport lies 100 km (62 miles) up north from the border of the Tula Region. The region has branchy engineering infrastructure, which ensures unlimited access to energy resources. The Tula Region is home to several power plants and trunk gas mains traversing its territory.

The regional system of vocational education fosters the high skills of local labor. Two thirds of all educational institutions of the Tula Region teach Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking, and Transportation Facilities. The investment strategy of the Tula Region is aimed at integrated territorial development at the expense of Russian and foreign investments, as well as the energizing of innovations – first of all, in such traditional to the region industries as mechanical engineering, metalworking, chemistry, electronics and agricultural crop processing.

A favorable environment for doing business in the Tula Region is created due to the reduction of administrative and bureaucratic barriers, simplification of licensing procedures and development of effective instruments for the support of entrepreneurial activity.

The trust of investors is the main yardstick for measuring the effectiveness of the local government and its openness to business. More than 200 businesses with the participation of foreign capital successfully operate in the Tula Region. In 2015 investments into fixed assets exceeded 105bn rubles. The region is one of the industrial growth leaders in Central Russia. During the last 4 years the region increased its own fiscal and non-tax revenues by more than 52%. The given parameters confirm the stability of Tula Region’s economic development.

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