The 7th International Energy Week [25-26.10.2012]

The 7th International Energy Week, 2012 – the Jubilee Congress of the International Prize “Global Energy” winners is planned to be held in 25-26  October,2012 in the International Trade Center in Moscow.

This year, for the first time,  the Forum’s program foresees the joint holding of the Congress of   the International  Prize “Global Energy” winners and traditional events of the   International Energy Weeks.

The-co-organizers of the Forum are: Russian Federation’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Non-profit Partnership “Global Energy” and Information and Consulting Center “Roscon” with the support of Russia’s Ministry of Energy and Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Forum’s program focuses on discussing conditions for ensuring stable development of the world’s energy, ways of cooperation in the technological modernization of energy complex, and the investment prospects in the implementation  of international infrastructure projects.


Leaders of the OPEC, GECF, Moscow’su Ecological Federation (MEF), MAGATE, NEA, OECD, and of the ministries of energy and natural resources from 53 countries  are invited to participate in the discussions.


In the Organizing Committee’s opinion  the inclusion of the urgent questions of development of the world’s energy would contribute to expanding international energy dialogue and promoting Russia’s and foreign companies’ products and services at international markets.

The IEW-2012 Organizing Committee invites the interested mass media to take part in the Forum  and  give support to it.

Additional information can be received over phones: + 7  (499)  480-0157, 480-0502

or Fax:  + 7 (499) 480-0190. or by E-mail:,