Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova’s comment on illegal acts against Russian diplomatic missions in Sweden

On January 12, Tobias Lorentzson, Charge d’Affaires at the Swedish Embassy in Moscow, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry to hear a statement of protest to the inadequate response by the Swedish authorities to the unlawful actions of Swedish citizen Leonid Karnyushin aimed the Russian Embassy and trade mission in Sweden.

On January 6, Karnyushin crashed through a gate to a parking lot in a car and then rammed the garage gate of the office and residential building of the trade mission. On January 8, he drove a truck into the main gate of the mission’s administrative building, damaging it. On January 10, he illegally entered the grounds of the Embassy, and ​​later on the same day, damaged the video surveillance equipment installed on the trade mission grounds. After each such incident, Karnyushin was detained by the Swedish police, who, however, released him after a few hours.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the Charge d’Affaires’ attention to the Swedish authorities’ position, as they seemed to dissociate themselves from ensuring the safety and security of Russian diplomatic missions. The Russian Embassy in Stockholm repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden asking to strengthen the physical security of Russian diplomatic facilities. However, no specific steps have been taken so far.

Karnyushin’s provocative actions are becoming more and more impudent and aggressive, which creates a direct threat to the lives and health of the diplomatic missions’ employees and their families, the Russian officials stressed.

The Swedish side was informed of the urgent need to take all appropriate measures to protect the premises of Russian diplomatic missions from any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the missions or impairment of their dignity in accordance with the obligations undertaken by Sweden under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961.



Consequences of the act of the terror against the office and residential building of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden (January, 2018)

Click on photo to enlarge


Consequences of the act of the terror against the office and residential building of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden (February, 2015)

Click on photo to enlarge

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The 20th anniversary international specialized exhibition ExpoDrev

Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company invites you to take part in the 20th anniversary international specialized exhibition ExpoDrev!
The organization of this event on the Krasnoyarsk land has a number of serious advantages.
First, the Region is among the leading ones in forest resources and industrial wood. Nowadays the industry is faced with a task to increase volume of timber conversion. This means that the Region needs new technologies and new machinery for that.
Second, nowadays Krasnoyarsk region is one of the most thriving ones in Russia. There are eleven priority investment projects being successfully implemented on the territory of the region, including «Kraslesinvest», «Priangarsky LPK», «Sibles Project», «Xylotech-Siberia», Mekran Managing Company, «ForTrade», «LesService», «Sibirsky Les», Yenisey Woodworking Integrated Plant, Krasnoyarsk Center of Construction, and «Koshurnikovo».
All this proves that ExpoDrev is an effective platform for demonstration of machinery and equipment samples for logging, woodworking and furniture industry. Here you have all the conditions for promotion of cutting-edge technologies, equipment and tools for forest industry complex.

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Business mission of the Russian companies to the power plant Mälarenergi AB

December 14th, 2017 the Trade Representation organized a business mission for representatives of the JSC “SRI of Environmental and General Design” and the Group of Companies “GSR Energo” (St. Petersburg) at the power plant Mälarenergi AB in the city Västerås.

Mälarenergi AB is a regional supplier of energy and services (electricity, heat, water, cooling, Internet access, etc.), the bulk of which is produced from renewable sources, including garbage recycling. Over 90% of the energy is generated from urban and imported household waste, biomass, pellets and other renewable sources.

During the business mission, representatives of Russian companies studied the technology of production and supply with heat and electricity of this Swedish region, examined the economic component of construction and operation of production. The inspection of the company’s capacities for acceptance, storage, separation, shredding and use of household waste as an energy carrier was conducted.
Currently, the Trade Representation is working on the possibility of continuing work with JSC “SRI of Environmental and General Design” and GC “GSR Energo”.

Euro Mine Expo 2018

During Euro Mine Expo experts from more than 40 nations are gathered to share information, news and ideas. Besides the trade fair there are also a number of knowledge shareing sessions. The program will be published during autum 2017 and spring 2018.
The program will contain both exhibitor presentations (Exhibitor Innvation Forum) and mining companies sharing and discussing their challenges and opportunities together with innovation partners and vendors.
Our conference themes cover
– Innovation & Business Development
Automation, Positioning, Machine Learning, VR, new business models
– Sustainability in Action
Safety, fossil free mining, hydrogen fuel, mine reclamation and restoration, water handling, permitting
– Future outlook
Market trends, digitalization, prospecting, pricing development, future research projects
Are you interested in contributing to the program:
Mining companies – Contact
Exhibitor Innovation Forum – Contact

Official site and program