Russian-Swedish Tourism Forum 2018

On September 20, the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden hold the first Russian-Swedish Tourism Forum. The idea of ​​organizing such event came to the Trade Representative of Russia in Sweden A.V. Abramov in June. One of the reasons for it was the fact that millions of football fans visited the World Cup in Russia and until the end of this year FanId holders can visit Russia without visa.

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Ecotourism, photo tourism, medical, historical, gastronomic and religious tourism are the areas which were presented at the Forum. Such travel companies and organizations as the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “National Marketing Center for Tourism”(Visit Russia), the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Tourism, LLC “Russia Discovery”, LLC “Fremad Russia”, LLC “Intourist-Thomas Cook”, LLC ” Metropol Express, OOO ”Svoy TS” presented their products and services to the Forum’s participants.

The Russian Trade Representation in Sweden, together with colleagues from Ava-Peter LLC (Scandinavia Clinic), S.N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution of the Russian Ministry of Health (the CSTC) and the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology presented the opportunities for medical tourism services’ export.

Following the results of the Forum, the Trade Representation expects that cooperation between Russian and Swedish companies will raise.

For any questions regarding the Forum, please, contact Tatyana Mironova (

Cluster Policy in Russia: Reaching Global Competitiveness

The report presents a review of the results achieved by the first ten years of cluster policy in Russia. It summarises the outcomes of three cluster support
programmes: for pilot innovation clusters, leading clusters, and industrial clusters. The programmes are analysed in terms of the selection process and geographic
distribution of their beneficiaries, key performance indicators, and areas of federal support.
The edition also offers a structured description of the leading clusters in the following categories: general information (mission, industry specialisation areas,
products and services, key members, contacts); activities of the cluster management organisation; success stories, and invitation to cooperation. Leading cluster
profiles have been designed in line with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) questionnaire.
The report is of practical interest to government agencies, cluster management organisations, companies, universities, research organisations, and to anyone else
interested in innovative, industrial and cluster policies.


Cluster Policy in Russia: From Local Advantages to Global Competitiveness

The report presents a review of the results achieved by the first ten years of cluster policy in Russia. It summarises the outcomes of three cluster support
programmes: for pilot innovation clusters, leading clusters, and industrial clusters. The programmes are analysed in terms of the selection process and geographic
distribution of their beneficiaries, key performance indicators, and areas of federal support.
The edition also offers a structured description of the leading clusters in the following categories: general information (mission, industry specialisation areas,
products and services, key members, contacts); activities of the cluster management organisation; success stories, and invitation to cooperation. Leading cluster
profiles have been designed in line with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) questionnaire.
The report is of practical interest to government agencies, cluster management organisations, companies, universities, research organisations, and to anyone else
interested in innovative, industrial and cluster policies.


VII Murmansk International Business Week

Welcome to take part in the VII Murmansk International Business Week which is due on November 12-16, 2018. According to the regional government, the previous Business Week featured more than 20 major events, which attracted more than 3,500 participants from Russia’s 21 regions and from 13 foreign countries. The key events were a special session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and a special meeting of the state commission on the Arctic’s development.

About Murmans International Business Week 2018

Structure of VII Murmansk International Business Week