Helt ny KAMAZ: foton från fabriken

Det antas att man i Naberezhnye Chelny kommer starta samla en prov serie av den första ryska premium lastbilen detta år.
Nästa år kommer massproduktion av nya föremål.
Highway lastbil KAMAZ med index 54901 kommer att vara den första modellen för den nyaste KAMAZ  K5-lastbilsfamiljen. För de flesta detaljerna är den nya produkten i stort sett förenad med den 4: e generationen Mercedes-Benz Actros-hytten. På samma gång kommer modellen att få en helt ny motor av egen konstruktion. Det blir in-line 6-cylindrig turbo diesel med volym på 12 liter, vars returkraft kommer att vara från 380 till 550 hk. Den deklarerade resursen är hela 150 tusen mil (en och en halv miljon kilometer) med service intervall på var 15 tusen mil. Det förväntas att den nye KAMAZ 54901 kommer att kosta 15-20% mindre än den ursprungliga Mercedes-Benz.
KAMAZ planerar att uppnå en sådan prisminskning på grund av maximal lokalisering: de ryska komponenterna ska utgöra minst 80-85 % i fordon.


About the meeting with the senior Scania management

On October 5, 2018, was held the official visit of the Russian Trade Representative in Sweden Alexander Abramov to Södertälje. The headquarters and production facilities of one of the largest Swedish companies, Scania Group, are located there. Negotiations with the company’s senior management were held during the visit. The prospects for further expansion of the company’s activities in Russia, including the implementation of joint projects, became the main issue for the talks. After the negotiations the Trade Representative visited the Scania’s R&D center.

About the meeting with the Volvo Group President and CEO Martin Lundstedt

On October 5, 2018, a meeting between the Trade Representative of Russia in Sweden Alexander Abramov and the President of the Volvo Group Martin Lundstedt took place at the Volvo Group headquarters in Stockholm. The sides discussed the prospects for future expanding of the Volvo Group company in Russia, including the further localization of company’s production.

About the presentation of the Russian application on holding the exhibition EXPO 2025 in Yekaterinburg in the Swedish MFA

October 5, 2018 the Russian Trade Representative in Sweden, Alexander Abramov, took part in the presentation of an application for holding the exhibition EXPO 2025 in Yekaterinburg. The presentation took place in the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the participation of the director of the relevant department.

The official vote for the country that will hold the EXPO in 2025 will be held in Paris on November 23 of this year.

The latest information on the Russian application can be found on the website of the EXPO 2025 application committee via the link: https://exporussia2025.com/en/news

Photo: Catarina Axelsson/MFA