Russia’s Novatek starts shipping LNG from new small-scale plant

Novatek, Russia’s largest private gas producer, has started to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its newly built small-scale LNG plant in Russia’s Baltic Sea port of Vysotsk.

Novatek, along with Gazprombank, has built but not yet officially launched its Vysotsk plant, which has a capacity of 660,000 tonnes of frozen gas per year.

Novatek’s Yamal facility exports both to Europe and Asia and has a capacity of 16.5 million tonnes of frozen gas per year, with the possibility of expansion.

According to Refinitiv Eikon flows data, Novatek shipped seven cargoes with a total volume of 67,800 cubic meters of frozen gas between March 31 and April 16 from Vysotsk.

Three cargoes were received by Lithuanian port Klaipeda, one each by the Finnish ports of Tahkoluoto (Pori) and Tornio, and the remaining two went to Visby and Nynäshamn in Sweden.

Read full text on Reuters

Arbetsmöte med representanter för Utrikesdepartementet

Den andra april 2019 träffades Aleksandr Abramov, Ryska Federationens Handelsrepresentant i Sverige med Wictoria Amandustin, Kansliråd – Näringslivsfrämjare, Enheten för Östeuropa och Centralasien, Utrikesdepartementet, och Björn Kavalkov-Halvarsson, Ambassadråd, Gruppchef, Sveriges Ambassad i Moskva. Under mötet diskuterade man aktuella aktiviteter riktade till utveklandet av direkta affärskontakter mellan ryska och svenska företag, samt möjligheter och problem i de svensk-ryska handels och ekonomisk förbindelserna.

Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Sweden continues to carry out activities aimed at increasing the inbound tourism flow in Russia

On March 21, a round table on the hiking trails topic was held at Trade Representation. The Swedish and Russian parties hold consultations regarding the establishment of a tourist route – a 1200 km long Lomonosov trail, in Russia. This route can attract not only Russian, but also foreign tourists. Among the Swedish participants were employees of the Swedish office of UNESCO, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, as well as profile historians. The Russian delegation was headed by the Deputy Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region – the Head of the Representative Office of the Arkhangelsk Region under the Government of the Russian Federation. E.S. Kutukova.

During the Round Table, the parties not only were able to discuss various aspects of the functioning of hiking routes, such as regulatory framework, financial and administrative issues, informational support, preservation of historical monuments, but also agreed on a constant exchange of expert opinions and support provided by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. There is a possibility that this cooperation can lead to the creation of a walking route that will connect several Scandinavian countries with the Russian North.

Russian Far East Investment Seminar, March 26, 2019.

Russian Far East possess a significant proportion of Asia–Pacific Region (APAC) natural resources: more than ¾ of Diamonds, more than ½ of  Forest resources, almost 40% of  Fresh water resources, as well as 1/3 of Gold and Gas resources.
About 43% of the forest area of the Russian Federation is concentrated in the Far East Region.

The Seminar gives you excellent opportunity to get more knowledge and particular information on investments opportunities and business possibilities available in this most dynamic region of Russian Federation.

The representatives of Russian Far East Investment and Export Agency will provide you with information on foreign investors state support strategy in the region, including Free customs zone, Simplified administrative procedures, Taxes procedures, Customs registration and Electronic visa prospects.

Welcome to the Seminar!

Russian Far East Investment Seminar will take place in the Trade Representation of Russian Federation in Sweden from 9:30 through 13:00 on March 26, 2019.