Laser-export Co. Ltd.

Laser-export Co. Ltd. specializes in research, development and manufacturing of diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers.

Founded in 2002 Laser-export Co. Ltd. is a part of Laser-compact group of companies. This group has 20-year experience of custom-design projects in the filed of DPSS lasers. Companies have produced over 42,000 of DPSS lasers for world-leading industrial companies.

Laser-compact group is the exporter of DPSS lasers to 40 countries worldwide. The main part of the production volume is distributed in USA, Germany and Canada.  More than 140 models of DPSS lasers have been developed by Laser-compact group specialists.

The company offers CW and pulsed ultraviolet, green and infrared lasers for use in various applications, including mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF), laser microdissection, laser microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, interferometry, holography, non-destructive inspection, micro materials processing, LIDAR, industrial & medical alignment/positioning, quality control of crystals  etc.

In November 2009 the Quality Management System of Laser-export Co. was certified as compliant with the requirements of the standard ISO 9001:2008.

Main advantages of the company:

– maintaining of production process/capacities at high current level by using of the newest technologies and materials;

– maintaining of the highest level of research and development of DPSS lasers by scientists and high qualified staff of the company;

– close contacts with the end users of our lasers – OEM customers, beginning from R&D of prototype till serial production of lasers for their applications;

– permanent work under improving of the quality and warranty service of our lasers;

– optimum price/quality ratio for OEM customers.


Address: 3, Vvedensky St., Moscow, 117342, Russia.

Head office:
Phone: +7-495-333-00-00
Faxes: +7-495-720-54-51, +7-495-333-94-44

Sales & Marketing Department:
Phone: +7-495-720-54-50
Head of Sales Department – Natalia N. Gavrilenko.
Deputy head of the Department (Export & Service) – Sergey A. Belozerov.

e-mail: ;


About Laser-export Co. Ltd.

LCM-S-111 datasheet

DTL-413_313 datasheet

399QT datasheet