Kuzbass Region

Investment Agency of Kuzbass


Agency’s target is to create opportunities for investment projects and initiatives implementation


Creating favorable conditions for the effective operation of business entities in Kemerovo region


Assistance in implementation of investment projects implementation

Improving of the investment climate of Kemerovo region

Three business support vectors

ORGANIZATION (Investment Projects support and maintenance):

  • Selection of optimal plots of land for implementation of projects in the region
  • Establishing contacts with local authorities and enterprises, assistance in resolving administrative issues
  • Organization and support of business negotiations and visits
  • Assistance in documenting and  coordination of land plots and permits
  • Reducing the time required to complete necessary procedures and paperwork


  • Assistance in the submitting of land, including without bidding (for large-scale investment projects implementation)

FINANCIAL (Attracting investors to projects)

  • Search of opportunities of financing and measures of state support for projects
  • Attracting potential partners to projects
  • Assistance and consultation during projects implementation.

Contact Information:

Building 1/ 204,

Sosnovy Boulevard, Kemerovo,

Kemerovo Region,

ZIP: 650002

Director: Veselov Pavel, Mr

tel / fax: +7 (3842) 900-181

E-mail: info@investkuzbass.ru

Website: https://www.keminvest.ru/