Stockholm court sentences Russian embassy attacker to compulsory psychological treatment

The Stockholm District Court has sentenced Leonid Karnyushin, who committed a string of violent trespassing offenses against the Russian embassy, to a mandatory treatment order and a major fine.

STOCKHOLM, April 3. /TASS/. The Stockholm District Court has sentenced Leonid Karnyushin, who committed a string of violent trespassing offenses against the Russian embassy and inflicted damaged on Russia’s diplomatic property in January, to a mandatory treatment order and a major fine, a court spokesperson told TASS on Tuesday.

“The court has sentenced Karnyushin to mandatory treatment, the duration of which will be determined by doctors. He will also have to pay a fine of 106,794 Swedish kronas ($12,967),” the court spokesperson said.

Swedish prosecutors charged Karnyuhsin with three counts of maliciously breaking and entering into diplomatic premises and trespassing, two counts of inflicting damage and attempted assault on officials. Last week, the results of his forensic examination were made public, which showed that Karnyuhsin was suffering from a mental disorder.

Press release on Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s telephone conversation with Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom

On February 6, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden Margot Wallstrom over the telephone at the latter’s request.

The ministers discussed Russian-Swedish relations. Margot Wallstrom expressed regret over the incidents with regard to the Russian embassy and trade mission in Stockholm, which took place in early January through the provocative actions of Swedish citizen Leonid Karnyushin and informed the Russian side about the steps being taken by the Swedish authorities to ensure the safety of the Russian diplomatic missions in Sweden.

The sides exchanged views on a number of international matters, including the situation in Syria, as well as Russian-Swedish cooperation in regional formats in Northern Europe.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova’s comment on illegal acts against Russian diplomatic missions in Sweden

On January 12, Tobias Lorentzson, Charge d’Affaires at the Swedish Embassy in Moscow, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry to hear a statement of protest to the inadequate response by the Swedish authorities to the unlawful actions of Swedish citizen Leonid Karnyushin aimed the Russian Embassy and trade mission in Sweden.

On January 6, Karnyushin crashed through a gate to a parking lot in a car and then rammed the garage gate of the office and residential building of the trade mission. On January 8, he drove a truck into the main gate of the mission’s administrative building, damaging it. On January 10, he illegally entered the grounds of the Embassy, and ​​later on the same day, damaged the video surveillance equipment installed on the trade mission grounds. After each such incident, Karnyushin was detained by the Swedish police, who, however, released him after a few hours.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the Charge d’Affaires’ attention to the Swedish authorities’ position, as they seemed to dissociate themselves from ensuring the safety and security of Russian diplomatic missions. The Russian Embassy in Stockholm repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden asking to strengthen the physical security of Russian diplomatic facilities. However, no specific steps have been taken so far.

Karnyushin’s provocative actions are becoming more and more impudent and aggressive, which creates a direct threat to the lives and health of the diplomatic missions’ employees and their families, the Russian officials stressed.

The Swedish side was informed of the urgent need to take all appropriate measures to protect the premises of Russian diplomatic missions from any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the missions or impairment of their dignity in accordance with the obligations undertaken by Sweden under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961.



Consequences of the act of the terror against the office and residential building of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden (January, 2018)

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Consequences of the act of the terror against the office and residential building of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden (February, 2015)

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Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on the situation around Russia’s Trade Representation office in Sweden

On September 3, the Supreme Court of Sweden ruled against Russia’s complaint regarding the legitimacy of the Swedish collection agency’ auction on the forced sale of the office and building of flats of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden, which is protected by diplomatic immunity, in Stockholm.

We consider Sweden’s action relative to Russian diplomatic property unauthorised and a violation of international law.

We expect that the Swedish officials will take appropriate measures to ensure the integrity, security and regular operations of the Russian Trade Representation according to Sweden’s obligation under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and will not provoke any further response relative to this incident.

(Read on Offical site of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Russian Federation)