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2nd Annual Russian-Swedish Investment Forum

and 85th Anniversary of the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden

19-22 November 2012 the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden arranged the Annual Russian-Swedish Investment Forum. This event coincided with the 85th Anniversary of the establishing of the Trade Representation in Sweden.

Download all presentation from Forum

Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden, Alexander Katasov and State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of the Environment, Gunnar Oom
Nikolay Popov, the State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia

The plenary meeting on 22 November, 2012 was the central event of the Forum. More than 160 participants attended the Forum, including Nikolay Popov, the State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Anders Flanking, State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of the Environment, Gunnar Oom, State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Director of European Department of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, Deputy Governors, Regional Ministers and Deputy Ministers (representing more than ten Russian regions, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pskov, Ryazan, Leningrad region, Republic of Komi, Chechnya, etc.), representatives of the Russian-Swedish Business Council, companies and banks in Russia and Sweden. The Forum was for the first time attended by representatives of the business community of Iceland and Latvia.


Environmental technologies and increased localization of automotive components in Russia were the key topics of the Forum. Sweco, National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers (NAPAK) and the Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association (FKG) were among the experts at the Forum.


The Forum has comprised three parts, including the official part, the investment potential of Russian regions and environmental technologies, as well as the investment program for the Russian automotive market. More than 40 presentations and speeches were made during the Forum.

After the business part of the Forum, the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden hosted an official reception in honour of the 85th Anniversary of its foundation.

The work of the Forum was covered by correspondents of the ITAR-TASS information agency and the Economic Newspaper Publishing House. Prior to the event, the Trade Representative was interviewed by the Expert magazine.


R+T Russia 2013 will take place from 25 to 27 September 2013 at Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre, Moscow.

R+T Russia was staged successfully for the first time in 2012. 56 exhibitors from 14 countries including Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece, Austria, the Czech Republic, Taiwan, Belorussia, the USA, Turkey, Poland, Spain, Korea and China presented their latest technologies and innovations on almost 1,300 sqm of exhibition space. 3,427 professional trade visitors showed great interest and proved the inaugural R+T Russia to be a thorough success.

In addition to the “traditional R+T nomenclature“ of roller shutters, gates and sun protection systems, R+T Russia also presents windows and glass. It is the only specialized and focused trade fair for the industry in Russia.

R+T Russia is organised by Messe Stuttgart in cooperation with Business Media Russia and under the technical and conceptual sponsorship of the Federal Association for Manufacturers of Roller shutters and Sun protection (Bundesverband Rollladen + Sonnenschutz e.V.), the National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers (BVT – Verband Tore) and the Industry Association for Technical Textiles – Roller Shutters – Solar Shading (ITRS e.V.).

As the Russian spinoff of R+T in Stuttgart, the leading world trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems, R+T Russia will again be taking place parallel to HEIMTEXTIL Russia and DOMOTEX Russia.

  Show Report R+T Russia 2012

  R+T Russia Post Show Press Release 2012

Contact information:

Marina Bolotskaya, Project manager of the Business Media Russia

Tel/fax: + 7 (495) 649 69 11

Mob: 8 926 012 17 59

Web-site: www.rt-russia.com

Date:  25.09. – 27.09.2013
Organizer:  Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbHBusiness Media Russia
Interval (years):  Every year
Venue:     Crocus Expo Centre/ Moscow/ Russia

Key exhibition areas:
  • Windows
  • Glass
  • Doors/ Gates
  • Doors
  • Grilles/ Fences
  • Window shutters/ Louvre windows
  • Roller shutters
  • Awnings
  • Internal sun protection
  • Technical textiles/ textile construction
  • Facades
  • Ventilation equipment
  • Drive and control systems/ opening and closing systems
  • Security systems/ access control systems
  • Materials/ production aids/ fixing equipment
  • Business fittings and furnishings
  • Services/ research and development
  • Specialist literature/ publishing houses
  • Others


Opening hours: September 25   10.00 am – 18.00 pm
September 26   10.00 am – 18.00 pm
September 27   10.00 am – 17.00 pm
Admission prices: Trade only





















II Russian-Swedish Investment Forum

November 22, 2012

Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden

Ringvägen, 1 18134 Lidingö, Sweden


(Program is preliminary and subject for change)

08.30 – 09.00  Registration

09.00 – 09.30

Opening & welcome address

– Aleksander Katasov, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden

Welcome address by:

                        – Igor Neverov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Sweden;

                        – Gunnar Oom, State Secretary of the Swedish Foreign Ministry

09.30 – 13.00

Official part

The anniversary presentation of Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden “Trade Representation is 85 years old, the history of Russian-Swedish trade and economic relations since 1617, their present-day state and other issues…”

            – Alexander Katasov, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden


Economical measurement of the Russian modernization process, imperatives and risks

            – Ruslan Grinberg, Director of the Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, professor



Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) State Corporation


            – Alexander Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank



Topic: (being specified)


           – Nikolay Popov, State-secretary, Deputy Minister of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation


Investment climate in Russia and ways to approve it


            – Igor Koval, Director of the Department of investment policy and development of public-private partnership, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation



Sweden: technologies and equipment for environment protection – Presentation of Sweco’s activity in Russia (Partner of the Forum)


            – Bo Carlsson, President



Investment potential of the Republic of Karelia


            – Alexander Khudilainen, Head of the Republic of Karelia



Investment potential of Pskov region


            – Sergey Pernikov, First Vice-governor of Pskov region








Presentation of Raiffeisen Bank International’s activity in Russia (Partner of the Forum)


–  Lars Bärgström, Chief representative, Representative Office Nordic Countries              – Anders Samuellson, Representative, Representative Office Baltic Countries





Coffee break




Russian regional investment policy


            –  Andrey Sokolov, Director of the Department of development projects of regional economy, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation



Regional investment policy


– Igor Koval, Director of the Department of investment policy and development of public-private partnership, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation




Presentation of Center for Anti-corruption Research and Initiatives Transparency International Russia


            – Elena Panfilova, Director General



Potential investment opportunities in Leningrad region


             –  Dmitry Yalov, Vice-governor of Leningrad region, chairman of economic development and investment policy committee



Review of state measures of supporting export and investment attraction in Sweden


             – Tord Fredriksson, Director of Grant Thornton


Scania in Russia. Experience of implementation of strategic business development plans.


             – Jan Trolleberg, Managing director of Scania-Peter (Russia)



New prospects of participation of Russian companies in the Swedish Public Procurement


   – Irina Svensson, Director General of Intervent AB


NORDEA Bank in Russia. Strategic development in the field of efficient financial mechanisms


– (being specified)


Trade Representation’s 85-th anniversary: presentation by Stockholm city museum “A 500-year old history of trade relations between Russia and Sweden, Russian merchants in Stockholm”


Ekonomicheskaya gazeta publishing house


             – Olga Irzun, Deputy Director General

13-00 – 1345




Section work

14.00 – 17.30

Section I: Investment potential of Russian regions, environment protection technologies and equipment

Moderator: being specified





Presentation of the Republic of Karelia


            – Valentin Chmilj, Deputy Head of the Republic – Minister for economic development of Karelia



Investment and economic potential of Ryazan region      



            –  Vitaly Larin, Deputy Minister of economic development and trade of Ryazan



Presentation of Pskov region – opportunities in Moglino special economic zone


–  Sergey Pernikov, First Deputy Head of Pskov region

–  Co-reporter: Olga Torbich, Moglino managing director



Presentation of Kurorty Severnogo Kavkaza (Northern Caucasus health resorts) JSC


            – Dmitry Popov, Deputy Director of  land-property department


15.30 – 16.00

Coffee break



Presentation of Vologda region

            – Aleksey Kozhevnikov,  Director general of Corporation of Vologda region Development JSC


Presentation of  Swedish companies

– (being specified)


Presentation of investment projects of Yaroslavl region


 – Vladimir Khvelev, Director of Constriction department of Yaroslavl region

 – Yulia Dmitrieva, Head of economic development and investment administration of Rybinsk city


Presentation of the Chechen Republic


            – (being specified)


Presentation of  Swedish companies


            – (being specified)


Presentation: Investment opportunities in the Cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk


            – Victor Afanasenko, President, Chamber of Commerce of the Cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk



Presentation: Verkis Company Profile and Hydropower Activities (Iceland)


            – Volodymyr Pryvizentsev, Verkis Area Manager



14.00 – 17.30

Section II: Investment program – Russian automobile market. Special features of doing business in the field of automotive components supply (Large conference room)


Moderator: Mikhail Blokhin, Director General of the National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers (NAPAK, Russia).


Key topics:

– Russia and Sweden. Global automobile market and development of the automotive industry;

– Topical issues of localization of the automotive components industry in Russia;

– Potential of Russian regions in the field of launching investment projects in the sphere of automotive industry;

– Effective proposals for placement of auto manufacturing enterprises in industrial parks;

– Special features of doing business in the field of supplying and production of automotive components in Russia: legal aspects, taxation, financing, logistics.



– Frederik Sidahl, Director General, FKG (Sweden)

– Artem Kudashkin, Head of the Department of automotive industry, Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation (Russia)

– Bengt Aronsson, Project Manager, Project Russia, Scania Global Purchasing

– Olga Krikun, Business Development Manager, Scania Global Purchasing

– Oleg Lyskov, Acting  Chairman of the Committee for investments and strategic projects of St. Petersburg

– Maksim Kiselnikov, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee economic development – Head of the Department of investment policy and support of investment activities of Leningrad region (Russia)

– Maria Kravtsova, Director for sales of commercial property objects, ZAO “YIT Lentek” (Russia)

– Natalia Vilke, Managing Partner, BEITEN BURKHARDT, St. Petersburg (Russia)

– Oleg Bukin, Financial Director, Metalloproduktsia LLC (Russia)



Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30

Business negotiations between the Russian delegation and  Swedish colleagues on issues of the Swedish-Russian cooperation in the field of automotive components supply to the Russian market within the framework of the visit of National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers delegation (NAPAK, Russia).


17.30 – 18.00

Group disputes, signing ceremony, mass-media briefing (ITAR-TASS news agency, Dagens Industri, Nya Affärer).


18.00 – 20.00

Reception with cocktails and light refreshments

 Download Program