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We are pleased to share with you our plans to bring the World Expo to Ekaterinburg in 2020.

We believe the choice of Ekaterinburg as the host for World Expo 2020 will open up a unique opportunity for the world community to rediscover the city which was laid down by Peter the Great in 1723 as Russia’s industrial center. Today, Ekaterinburg is one of Russia’s fastest growing cities with well-developed and diverse economy. It has attracted more investments than any other Russian city. While still a major industrial center, the city is gradually turning into a focal point of “human intellectual capital” thanks to its educational and science resources. The city is also striving to play a pivotal role in innovative development.

Thanks to World Expo 2020 Ekaterinburg may become a venue for intellectual discussions, with its development getting a significant boost, which is fully in line with the goals and objectives of the World Expo movement.
The Expo 2020 theme Global Mind proposed by Russia is an ambitious attempt to explore one of the world’s most impressive phenomena: globalization, its consequences, threats and challenges.

This theme is important for the global community. We all live on the same planet, and promoting human progress for resolving global issues is in everyone’s interests.
A polyethnic, multiconfessional and rapidly developing modern country, rich in cultural traditions, Russia is an ideal venue for exchanging opinions and ideas.
On one hand, Expo 2020 will offer its participants the opportunity to express themselves highlighting the advantages of global diversity, and on the other hand it will become a venue for showcasing how various countries’ leading-edge technological breakthroughs are implemented on a global scale.

Russia’s drive to host Expo 2020 is a part of its long term plan to strengthen its partnership ties with the global community. It is also a part of Russia’s economic development plan leading up to 2020 because it opens additional investment and innovation opportunities both for the country as a whole and for the region and city.
In terms of its economy, industry, transport infrastructure and science resources Ekaterinburg is one of Russia’s largest cities showing record-fast growth in all the key sectors.

Over the last five years the city has seen a record influx of direct foreign investments. The city has been serving on a regular basis as a venue for major international events and summits. Among Russian cities Ekaterinburg ranks third after Moscow and Saint Petersburg by the number of diplomatic missions.

Ekaterinburg is one of Russia’s major scientific and educational centers. Russia’s leading specialists in mathematics, physics, chemistry, microbiology and nanotechnology from academic, research and engineering institutions have been involved in a wide range of scientific research projects within the region.
Thanks to the powerful industrial complex, intense business activity and good investment climate Ekaterinburg has already become a direct partner in trade and economy to some of the major countries.

For ages Ekaterinburg has been (and still is) a major transportation hub between Europe and Asia with the principal federal highways and railroad mainlines passing through it. The city is also served by the Koltsovo International Airport, which is third largest in the country after the ones located in the two capitals.
The city has built a modern business infrastructure, and in terms of the number and diversity of museums, theaters and art galleries it is at par with any other metropolis elsewhere in the world.

At the same time, it is a unique and polyethnic city which is home to members of over 100 ethnic groups and all the global confessions.
Ekaterinburg is an ideal venue for discussing the future and showcasing human achievements as part of the Expo 2020 Global Mind exhibition.
And finally, our bid has much in common with the motto of the very first great exhibition held in London in 1851: “The progress of the human race resulting from the common labor of all men”.
Since then, the World Expo has been held 53 times, 30 in Europe and 5 in Asia.
Russia, a country which spans the Earth’s largest continent, Eurasia, has never hosted a world expo.
It seems symbolic that Expo 2020 will be hosted by Russia’s Ekaterinburg, a city on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains which bridge Europe and Asia.
We hope for your support and we will be happy to welcome you in Ekaterinburg.

Eric Ruslanovich Bugulov,
CEO of Ekaterinburg Expo 2020 Bid Committee

Forthcoming sale of the stocks of shares owned by the Russian Federation on the trading platform of the Auction House of the Russian Federation, OJSC

January 31 2013 there started off a project on privatization of the federal property at auctions organized by “Auction House of the Russian Federation” (further AHR).

AHR is the organizer of auctions for the sale of major privatization projects of the city of Moscow and Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra , the operator of the electronic trading facility authorized to hold auctions for the sale of the state property in electronic format, and is one of the juridical persons selected by the Government of the Russian Federation for performing the functions of the seller (organizer of auctions) of the federal property . However, unlike the investment banks, for example, also selected for the performance of the same function, AHR has positive experience in the sphere of privatization of regional property and experience in selling property at classic, electronic and mixed auctions.

Car industry:
13.11% ОАО «UAZ» is one of the leading Russian car factories specializing in the manufacture of all-wheel drive vehicles-offroadsters UAZ and light commercial cars. The production of the company is widely used both on the Russian market and on the market of the EU countries and CIS. ОАО «UAZ» is part of the automobile complex Sollers (ОАО «Sollers», former ОАО «Severstal-avto»);

Maritime fleet and inland navigation fleet:
25.5% ОАО «Murmanskoe morskoe parokhodstvo» is the biggest shipping company uniting the fleets of the three Russian shipping companies (ОАО «Murmanskoe morskoe parokhodstvo», ОАО «Severnoe morskoe parokhodstvo», ОАО «Severnoe rechnoe parokhodstvo»). The company provides the main portion of freight shippings under the Russian flag in the Russian sector of the Arctic Region. It occupies leading positions in the porterage and transportation of oil and also actively develops the branches of activities connected with the carrying out of geological exploration, the development of transformation infrastructure, and the building of hydrocomplexes;
25. 5% ОАО «Sakhalinskoe morskoe parokhodstvo» (SASCO) is one of the biggest shipping companies in Russia, it has its own fleet (18 transport ships (including 2 ships Ro-Lo), 4 ferries and a harbor tug. The company is the only transport operator in the Russian Far East Basin who provides for scheduled operations Ro-Lo ships designed both for horizontal and vertical loading;
20% ОАО «Severnoe morskoe parokhodstvo» is one of the biggest Russain companies in the North-West of the country dealing in overseas shipping all over the world, along the Northern Sea Route among other routes. The company’s fleet consists of 41 units of vessels of different functions: 23 vessels of transportation fleet, 10 vessels of dredging fleet, 8 vessels of auxiliary fleet;
31.32% ОАО «Severnoe rechnoe parokhodstvo» – one of the biggest transportation companies of the European North of Russia operating a fleet for river-sea navigation. The Fleet: 8 ships of the combined river-sea type, over 160 ships for inland navigation of different purpose, out of which 9 river tug-boats, 18 river barges (13 dry cargo, 3 oil-loading and 2 combined dry cargo-oil-loading ), one river self-propelled vessel have the sea-class of the Register;
25.5% ОАО «Amurskoe parokhodstvo» – is the main business of the transportation logistical line of the RFP Group holding company , providing the forest business of the holding with the full range of transportation and stevedore services for the delivery of timber to the end market. At the moment the firm has
18 dry cargo, 2 oil-loading ships of the combined river-sea class type and two sea vessels;
25.5% ОАО «Irtyshskoe parokhodstvo» – the biggest company of waterborne transport in the Siberian region of Russia, provides transportation of cargoes and passengers over an enormous territory stretching from the Kazakh border to the Arctic Ocean. The company has a fleet for the transportation of oil and oil products of the total capacity of over 100 thousand tons, which includes tankers capable of delivering without transshipment different kinds of oil cargoes to coastal-marine regions inaccessible to bigger sea vessels because of shallow depths. Besides, during the short navigation season the shipping company’s fleet of combined river-sea navigation is able, without going out to the Northern Sea Route and great material expenses on icebreaker support, to provide delivery-pickup of both crude oil and different kind of fuels to the extent of several dozens of thousands tons in such directions as: the Western coast of the Yamal Peninsula (Kharasavay), the estuary ports of Yenisei, Dudinka, Igarka, the islands of Bely, Vilkitsky, Dickson and others;
25.5% ОАО «Kolymskaya sudokhodnaya kompaniya» – is the only specialized company of river navigation in the basin of the river Kolyma;
25.5% ОАО «Lenskoe ob’edinennoe rechnoe parokhodstvo» – is the flagship of the waterborne river transport of Yakutia and one of the leading transportational-manufacturing companies of the North-East of Russia. The ships of the combined river-sea navigation carry out transportation of oil products by running, general and other types of cargoes for four federal subjects of the Russian Federation – the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), the Irkutsk Oblast, the Krasnoyarsk Krai and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The foundation of the fleet at the moment consists of ships of different types and purposes suitable for working both upriver and at sea. The gross loading capacity of the cargo fleet of the Society is about 340 thousand tons, the total capacity is approximately 170 thousand horsepowers.

Air transport:
25.5% ОАО «Aeroport «Anapa» – is located near the small town Vityazevo, 15 km to the North-West from the city center. It is an aeroport of the biggest children’s resort in the South of Russia, where the tourist flow reaches 3 million people per year. The acceptance rate of the air terminal is 340 passengers per hour on the inland air lines and 60 passengers per hour on the international lines. In 2011 the runway was reconstructed and now allows to accommodate airplanes of foreign manufacture such as Airbus-319 or Boing-737.
At the moment the airport services the resort-town Anapa, the cities Novorossiysk and Temryuk. 24 companies work at the airport, the flights are conducted in 47 directions. In 2011 the airport serviced 523 thousand passengers. The managing company of the airport “Basel Aero” is planning to build a new air terminal complex in 2013;
36. 98% ОАО «Aeroport «Kurgan» – is the regional аirport of the city of Kurgan the main air gates of the Kurgan Oblast. It carries out scheduled, chartered, passenger, cargo and aerial work. It is a class B airport, the length of the runaway is 2601 m. It is located 6 km to the North-East from the center of the city.
Scientific research and development:
25.48% ОАО «Nauchno-issledovatelskiy, proektno-izyskatelny institute Lenmetrogiprotrans» – the institute’s activities are primarily focused on the integrated design of underground railway systems, railway tunnels and the objects of their infrastructure. Engineering and scientific developments of the Society’s specialists received general recognition and serve as the basis for the further progress of metroengineering and tunnelling. Many of the researchers are winners of various prizes, for superior job performance they were awarded medals and diplomas of VDNKha (Exhibition of Economic Achievements), government awards, have the title “emeritus builder of the Russian Federation”, of “Emeritus Transportation Builder”, “Emeritus Geologist of Russia”, and anniversary insignia of distinction. The leading specialists of the institute have the Professional State Qualification Certificate in the area of building. The engineers of the institute have 25 patents and 49 inventor’s certificates;
10.96% ОАО «NII molekulyarnoy electroniki I zavod “Mikron” (a company with a history of almost half a century, a technological leader of the Russian semi-conductor industry) The company conducts scientific research, develops, produces and realizes integral microelectronic integrated circuits, for export too. Since 2006 the company has been carrying out a project of modernization of production within the framework of which took place a unique transfer and assimilation the technology of 180 millimicron EEPROM of the leader of the European microelectronics, company № 5 in the world STMicroelectronics;
33.99% ОАО «Nauchno-issledovatelsky institute of fur industry» – is the leading Russian research organization for studying problems of down and fur and sheepskin-fur coat and raw material and manufacture of furs. Has the accreditation of the government authorities of the Russian Federation for conducting scientific research in the area of fur production. A technical committee 410 “Furs and fur products” was organized as part of the institute in order to organize work on standardization in the area of fur raw materials and fur industry production and to improve efficiency on the national and international level. The society is the founder of the professional magazine “Furs of the World”;
35.57% ОАО «Nauchno-issledovatel’sky institut metallurgicheskoy teplotekhniki» – is focused on the development of high efficiency thermotechnical machinery, economic and ecologically friendly technologies in metallurgy, machinery manufacturing and other fuel-consuming branches of industry. The institute is a territory with an area of 2.5 hectares in the city of Ekaterinburg on which are located the main building with office facilities, an engineering building for carrying out the research, a workshop of cold modeling suitable for manufacturing full-size and scaled down models of the developed devices and machinery, a workshop of fire modeling suitable for testing separate units and machines in full scale conditions, an autonomous boiler house, garages and warehouses;
38% ОАО «Sibirsky gorny institute po proektirovaniyu shakht, razrezov and obogatitelnykh fabrik» – is one of the biggest design institutes of Russia. The main directions of the company’s business are the design of mines, open-pit coal mines and enriching factories and also reconstruction of mining enterprise. At the moment the Society is designing enterprises in Yakutia, Kuznetsk Basin, Krasnoyarsky krai, in the Novosibirsk, Rostov, Sakhalin and Chita Regions;
25.5% ОАО «Sibirsky nauchno-issledovatelskyi proektny institute tsvetnoy mettalurgii» – deals in the development of mining technologies and processing of base metal ores, and also the design of mining enterprises. The company is the chief designer of the enterprises of tungsten-molybdenum, zinc-lead, fluorspar branches of non-ferrous metallurgy in the regions of Siberia and the Far East, and also Mongolia;
49% ОАО «VNIIGIDROLIZ» – (develops technologies of integrated utilization of plant matter (biomass) with the help of hydrolysis and biotechnological methods in order to produce technical, food, medical, cosmetic and agricultural market products: methylated spirit, furfurol and its derivatives, premixes, aminoacids and products produced on their basis, polyphepanum, etc;
25.5% ОАО «Proektny institute «Yuzhproektkommunstroy» – is a major planning and surveying institution of the Krasnodar Krai with a wide range of jobs in the area of civil housing and resort zone building, integrated development of building areas with difficult engineering-geological geomorphological conditions in the area of high seismicity;
31.78% ОАО «Biofizicheskaya apparatura» -is a manufacturing-engineering company that with its own manufacture staffed by highly qualified personnel of designers, managers and workers carrying out an integrated approach to the development and manufacturing application of equipment and devices of different purposes. Each year the company produces over 2000 devices: medical devices and centrifugal machines for blood supply service, laboratory equipment, grain crops and dairy products quality testers;
25.51% ОАО «Energomash» (the primary activity is developing projects of industrial processes and manufactures relating to electrical technology, electronic engineering, mining engineering, chemical technology, mechanical engineering, and also in the area of industrial engineering, systems engineering and accident prevention;
39.01% ОАО «Proektno-tekhnologichesky institute lioteinogo proizvodstva» -the primary activity is leasing out of office and storage premises.
Construction sector:
25.5% ОАО «Sevzapelectrosetstroi» – is one of the biggest building companies in Russia with the turnover of 6 billion rubles per year. The company’s activity is focused on providing effective electric power transfer for the power complex and enterprises of other branches of the Russian Federation via building, reconstruction and modernization of the objects of the energy economy using the newest technologies and technical solutions.);
25% ОАО «Centrodorstroy» – is one of the biggest and leading contractors in Russia in the area of integrated construction of automobile roads, airport runways, bridges, overbridges, etc;
25.5% ОАО «Trest «Sevenergostroy» – carries out main construction of thermal stations, industrial and civil objects in the North-West region of the country, participates in the process of designing them, carries out all kinds of building and specialized jobs. The trust took part in the building of all thermal stations located in the North-West region, including the Baltic States. They are 28 thermal stations (TPP) and regional power stations (GRES) with the total capacity of over 20 GW;
20.51% ОАО «Firma «Stroysnab» – deals in supplies of timber and construction materials and timber and paper products. The main portion of the sales are: sandstone plate for flooring and facing tiles for walls. Apart from that, a considerable part consists of cement, asbestos sheeting, roofing felt, bathroom ceramics, industrial wood, fibreboard, flake board, paper. The firm is working but some of the premises are rented out.

Holiday hotels and health resorts:
40% ОАО «Pansionat «Malakhovka» – the primary activity of the ОАО is tourist services;
24% ОАО «Sanatoriy «Avrora» – the primary activity: health resort services.
10% ОАО «Mukomol’noe otkrytoe aktsyonernoe obshchestvo «Avangard» – is the biggest enterprise in Siberia for production of rye flour. The existing production capacity allows to process 130 tons of rye grain per day. Since 1995 has had its own bakery which after the purchase of new equipment in 2006 is capable of producing 5 tons of bread and flour products per day;
49% ОАО «Khlebozavod № 12» – owns large premises in the immediate vicinity of Shosse Entuziastov and the Third Ring Road in the city of Moscow. According to the information from open sources the company’s primary activity is the production of bread and flour products;
25.5% ОАО «Firma «Energozashchita» – has a unique experience and powerful resource base in the production of thermal insulating materials, and also a comprehensive branch network for performance of services in the area of design, of performance of thermal insulating and anticorrosive jobs. At the moment: 137 production sites, 1500 realized projects, both in Russia and abroad, 2800 highly qualified specialists;
25.5% ОАО «Zavod KVO&T» – produces a wide range of products for the objects of the power sector, of the gas and oil industry, and also produces metal structures: columns, farms, overpasses, crossings, bearing supports for power transmission lines, port installations, radio masts, boilers, reservoirs, elevators, induction furnaces, kiln for timber and other things made to customer’s print;
0.815% ОАО «Nizhegorodsky kommerchesky bank «RADIOTEKHBANK» -The bank provides all kinds of bank services, has a broker and a dealer licenses, leasing and also activities related to the management of financial credit documents;
49% ОАО «Rostekheksport» – the primary activity of the society is wholesale trade including trading through agents, apart from automobile business and motorcycles;
29.48% ОАО «Transsvyazstroy» – the primary activity is the provision of the full range of services for the development of cellular connection objects which include: searching, project design work, building and assembly work and starting up and adjustment;
21.58% ОАО for timber harvesting and woodworking «SEVZAPTRANSLESPROM» – the company’s activity is consultancy in the area of commerce and management, and also wholesale and retail trade of different product groups.

The biggest and most attractive stocks of shares from the List-36 for investors are probably: ОАО «UAZ» (13.11%), ОАО «Murmanskoe morskoe parokhodstvo» (25.5%), ОАО «NIPII «Lenmetrogiprotrans» (25.48%), ОАО «NII molekulyarnoy electroniki I zavod «Micron» (10.96%), ОАО «Sakhalinskoe morskoe parokhodstvo» (25.5%), ОАО «Severnoe morskoe parokhodstvo» (20%), ОАО «Sevzapelectroset’ stroi» (25.5%), ОАО «Centrdorstroy» (25%).

More information: auction-house.ru

Russian-Swedish Marine Forum 2013 is a unique bi-lateral event focusing on the professional marine sector.

Scientific approach and best available technologies will be presented by leading companies and professionals, addressing issues associated with operations on sea, high speed boat operations and resque missions, focusing on reducing operational risks.

Amongst the delegates You will find a number of russian authorities and private companies, as well as world leading companies within the marine sector.

Boat demonstrations and product testing is an important part of the forum, creating unique environment for exchanging experiences and getting acquainted with market leading solutions for professionals.

The forum is organized by Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden and OCP Group.

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us for registration, call or send us an email with your corporate or personal information.

For more information, please visit www.scancis.org

Location: Ringvägen 1, 181 34 Lidingö Sweden and Kobben Island

For additional information please contact:

Vladimir Jigaroff
+46 70-814 15 13

Alexander Kamanin
+46 72-318 73 81