
Våra nyheter

10 April 2013 kl.09.15-17.30
18134 Ringvägen1, Lidingö, Sweden

Kongressen är en unik möjlighet att träffa representanter för de största utställnings- och mässcentra i Ryssland, bli informerad om deras praktiska verksamhet med syfte att skapa nya förutsättningar för marknadsföring av svenska innovationsprodukter, tjänster och teknologier på den ryska marknaden samt att skapa långsiktiga affärsrelationer.


  • erfarenhetutbyte kring de senaste teknologiska lösningar na inom mäss- och utställningsverksamhet;
  • informationsutbyte om parternas respektive mäss- och utställningsprogram för utställare;
  • transport- och logistiska lösningar;
  • utveckling av bilateral affärsturism;
  • diskussioner kring eventuella ”paketerbjudande” för utställare.

Potentiella deltagare från Ryssland:

Denis Manturov, Rysslands industri- och handelsminister, ledningen för S:t Petersburg, Krasnodar, Pskov, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod regioner, chefspersoner från Industri- och handelskamrar i nordvästra Ryssland, flygbolaget Aeroflot, rederiet St. Peter Line samt representanter för nordvästra regionens största mässor inkl. ExpoForum, S:t Petersburg.


09.15 – 09.50 Registrering av deltagare
10.00 – 10.20

Alexander Katasov, Rysslands Handelsrepresentant i Sverige

  • Denis Manturov, Rysslands industri- och handelsminister;
  • I. Neverov, Ryska Federationens Ambassadör till Sverige.
10.20 – 11.15

Utställnings- och mässverksamhet: dess roll i utvecklingen av internationellt handelsekonomiskt samarbete Presentationer:

  • EXPO-2020, en mässa i Ekaterinburg;
  • XVII Internationella Ekonomiska forumet i St. Petersburg;
  • XII Internationella Investeringsforumet (Sochi-2013), Olympiska spelen-2014.
11.15 – 11.45 Kaffe
11.45 – 12.30

Moderna utställningsteknologier: teori

Presentationer av branschföreningar och de största utställnings- och mässcentra i Sverige och Ryssland.

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.30

Moderna utställningsteknologier:

Workshop för utställningsprogram av ryska regioner och svenska utställningscentra. Online-konsultationer respektive tull- och konsulfrågor.

Ståndutställningar, presentationer. Individuella konsultationer, bi- och multilaterala förhandlingar.

15.30 – 16.00 Sammanfattning. Frågor och svar.
16.00 – 17.30 Mingel

Datum: den 10 april 2013 Tid: kl. 09.15-17.30
Plats:    Rysslands Handelsrepresentation, Ringvägen 1, 18134, Lidingö, Sverige Telefon: +46 (8) 765-97-70 Fax: +46 (8) 765-99-59
E-mail:  info@rysslandshandel.se

Vid frågor kontakta gärna följande personer:

Anton Tarshin Anton.Tarshin@rysslandshandel.se

Irina Kukushkina Irina.Kukushkina@rysslandshandel.se

Dear Sir or Madam

 As you know in the forthcoming decade the Russian Federation will host a series of major sports events: Universiade (Kazan 2013), the Olympics (Sochi 2014), FIFA World Aquatics Championships (Kazan – 2015), World Championship hockey (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg – 2016) Confederations Cup (Russia – 2017), FIFA World Cup (Russia – 2018).

 Thereby on 18-19 April 2013 we are honored to conduct the Second International Investment Forum “Modernization of Russian Urban Infrastructure: Course – 2018”, which was designed to serve as meeting spot for the government and leading business community representatives to exchange ideas, share vision on PPP and accelerate local Program implementation for 11 host cities. The Forum location is Government House in Moscow (Novy Arbat, 36).

 The main aim of the international investment forum “Modernization of Russian Urban Infrastructure: Course – 2018” is identify and present on the basis of the activities the Forum project proposals in preparation for the World Cup and other significant sporting events that will be spending our country soon and to attract foreign and local investment. The idea of the Forum was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, the Russian Chamber of Commerce, Government of Moscow, in the administrations dozen regions, business unions and social movements. The CIS countries delegations (Kazakhstan, Ukraine) confirmed their participation, as well as foreign and Russian companies, which specializing in the construction of sports facilities and sports infrastructure, security events, tourism, transport infrastructure, environment safety and other.

 Dear sirs or madams. Given the interest of a wide range of foreign companies and investors, knowledge and interest in the present theme of event, I have a strong belief your participation in our Forum and Exhibition will be useful for attractive public attention to the preparation of our country for adoption and realization of main sports events of world level.

Andrey Sharykin

Chief Executive Officer

PPP Development Agency

More about forum

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum


The St Petersburg International Economic Forum has become the place to be for getting the latest global economics news first-hand. It provides a platform for the discussion of topics central to the world’s economy, including the growing role of emerging economies in shaping the regional and global agenda.

The St Petersburg International Economic Forum took place only a few short months after the new President of the Russian Federation took office. It proved to be of particular interest to those who keep an eye on the political and economic life of Russia, including world leaders, businessmen and leading news agencies. The Forum provided a unique opportunity to meet with members of the newly-formed Russian government at a time when the country is entering a new phase of reform.

More information…

JSC Yelatma Instrument Making Enterprise is a joint-stock company with 800 employees.

It was founded in 1980 and is a former USSR defense industry enterprise.
Today JSC Yelatma Instrument Making Enterprise is known for its trademark ELAMED and specializes in medical products of two types: physiotherapeutic medical devices, which are certified as for home usage and clinics, as medical articles to prevent hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infectio, the range of which is presented by ultrasonic systems for pre-sterilization cleaning , general purpose containers, protective articles and others.
Enterprise’s quality control system is the first in Russia to be certified according to ISO 13485:2003+AC2009 and MDD93/42EEC standards.

JSC Yelatma Instrument Making Enterprise is a regular participant in international medical exhibitions.
Enterprise has multiple certifications and awards of many exhibitions and competitions, in Russia and abroad, such as “MEDICA”, Germany and “Brussels-Eureka”, Switzerland.
Their clients are hundreds of medical facilities, thousands of pharmacies and millions of patients in EU countries, USA and Canada, Israel, Great Britain, Russia, CIS countries, and others.
Numerous clinical trials and many years operating experience, as well as growing demand for their products proves its quality and efficiency.
The Enterprise has up-to-date casting machines for products made of plastic, and its own Technical Research Center.

Download Presentation (exe, 52Mb)