

Program of the Russian-Swedish investment Forum

II Russian-Swedish Investment Forum

November 22, 2012

Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden

Ringvägen, 1 18134 Lidingö, Sweden


(Program is preliminary and subject for change)

08.30 – 09.00  Registration

09.00 – 09.30

Opening & welcome address

– Aleksander Katasov, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden

Welcome address by:

                        – Igor Neverov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Sweden;

                        – Gunnar Oom, State Secretary of the Swedish Foreign Ministry

09.30 – 13.00

Official part

The anniversary presentation of Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden “Trade Representation is 85 years old, the history of Russian-Swedish trade and economic relations since 1617, their present-day state and other issues…”

            – Alexander Katasov, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden


Economical measurement of the Russian modernization process, imperatives and risks

            – Ruslan Grinberg, Director of the Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, professor



Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) State Corporation


            – Alexander Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank



Topic: (being specified)


           – Nikolay Popov, State-secretary, Deputy Minister of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation


Investment climate in Russia and ways to approve it


            – Igor Koval, Director of the Department of investment policy and development of public-private partnership, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation



Sweden: technologies and equipment for environment protection – Presentation of Sweco’s activity in Russia (Partner of the Forum)


            – Bo Carlsson, President



Investment potential of the Republic of Karelia


            – Alexander Khudilainen, Head of the Republic of Karelia



Investment potential of Pskov region


            – Sergey Pernikov, First Vice-governor of Pskov region








Presentation of Raiffeisen Bank International’s activity in Russia (Partner of the Forum)


–  Lars Bärgström, Chief representative, Representative Office Nordic Countries              – Anders Samuellson, Representative, Representative Office Baltic Countries





Coffee break




Russian regional investment policy


            –  Andrey Sokolov, Director of the Department of development projects of regional economy, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation



Regional investment policy


– Igor Koval, Director of the Department of investment policy and development of public-private partnership, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation




Presentation of Center for Anti-corruption Research and Initiatives Transparency International Russia


            – Elena Panfilova, Director General



Potential investment opportunities in Leningrad region


             –  Dmitry Yalov, Vice-governor of Leningrad region, chairman of economic development and investment policy committee



Review of state measures of supporting export and investment attraction in Sweden


             – Tord Fredriksson, Director of Grant Thornton


Scania in Russia. Experience of implementation of strategic business development plans.


             – Jan Trolleberg, Managing director of Scania-Peter (Russia)



New prospects of participation of Russian companies in the Swedish Public Procurement


   – Irina Svensson, Director General of Intervent AB


NORDEA Bank in Russia. Strategic development in the field of efficient financial mechanisms


– (being specified)


Trade Representation’s 85-th anniversary: presentation by Stockholm city museum “A 500-year old history of trade relations between Russia and Sweden, Russian merchants in Stockholm”


Ekonomicheskaya gazeta publishing house


             – Olga Irzun, Deputy Director General

13-00 – 1345




Section work

14.00 – 17.30

Section I: Investment potential of Russian regions, environment protection technologies and equipment

Moderator: being specified





Presentation of the Republic of Karelia


            – Valentin Chmilj, Deputy Head of the Republic – Minister for economic development of Karelia



Investment and economic potential of Ryazan region      



            –  Vitaly Larin, Deputy Minister of economic development and trade of Ryazan



Presentation of Pskov region – opportunities in Moglino special economic zone


–  Sergey Pernikov, First Deputy Head of Pskov region

–  Co-reporter: Olga Torbich, Moglino managing director



Presentation of Kurorty Severnogo Kavkaza (Northern Caucasus health resorts) JSC


            – Dmitry Popov, Deputy Director of  land-property department


15.30 – 16.00

Coffee break



Presentation of Vologda region

            – Aleksey Kozhevnikov,  Director general of Corporation of Vologda region Development JSC


Presentation of  Swedish companies

– (being specified)


Presentation of investment projects of Yaroslavl region


 – Vladimir Khvelev, Director of Constriction department of Yaroslavl region

 – Yulia Dmitrieva, Head of economic development and investment administration of Rybinsk city


Presentation of the Chechen Republic


            – (being specified)


Presentation of  Swedish companies


            – (being specified)


Presentation: Investment opportunities in the Cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk


            – Victor Afanasenko, President, Chamber of Commerce of the Cities of Pushkin and Pavlovsk



Presentation: Verkis Company Profile and Hydropower Activities (Iceland)


            – Volodymyr Pryvizentsev, Verkis Area Manager



14.00 – 17.30

Section II: Investment program – Russian automobile market. Special features of doing business in the field of automotive components supply (Large conference room)


Moderator: Mikhail Blokhin, Director General of the National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers (NAPAK, Russia).


Key topics:

– Russia and Sweden. Global automobile market and development of the automotive industry;

– Topical issues of localization of the automotive components industry in Russia;

– Potential of Russian regions in the field of launching investment projects in the sphere of automotive industry;

– Effective proposals for placement of auto manufacturing enterprises in industrial parks;

– Special features of doing business in the field of supplying and production of automotive components in Russia: legal aspects, taxation, financing, logistics.



– Frederik Sidahl, Director General, FKG (Sweden)

– Artem Kudashkin, Head of the Department of automotive industry, Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation (Russia)

– Bengt Aronsson, Project Manager, Project Russia, Scania Global Purchasing

– Olga Krikun, Business Development Manager, Scania Global Purchasing

– Oleg Lyskov, Acting  Chairman of the Committee for investments and strategic projects of St. Petersburg

– Maksim Kiselnikov, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee economic development – Head of the Department of investment policy and support of investment activities of Leningrad region (Russia)

– Maria Kravtsova, Director for sales of commercial property objects, ZAO “YIT Lentek” (Russia)

– Natalia Vilke, Managing Partner, BEITEN BURKHARDT, St. Petersburg (Russia)

– Oleg Bukin, Financial Director, Metalloproduktsia LLC (Russia)



Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30

Business negotiations between the Russian delegation and  Swedish colleagues on issues of the Swedish-Russian cooperation in the field of automotive components supply to the Russian market within the framework of the visit of National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers delegation (NAPAK, Russia).


17.30 – 18.00

Group disputes, signing ceremony, mass-media briefing (ITAR-TASS news agency, Dagens Industri, Nya Affärer).


18.00 – 20.00

Reception with cocktails and light refreshments

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