
Våra nyheter

Russian Far East possess a significant proportion of Asia–Pacific Region (APAC) natural resources: more than ¾ of Diamonds, more than ½ of  Forest resources, almost 40% of  Fresh water resources, as well as 1/3 of Gold and Gas resources.
About 43% of the forest area of the Russian Federation is concentrated in the Far East Region.

The Seminar gives you excellent opportunity to get more knowledge and particular information on investments opportunities and business possibilities available in this most dynamic region of Russian Federation.

The representatives of Russian Far East Investment and Export Agency will provide you with information on foreign investors state support strategy in the region, including Free customs zone, Simplified administrative procedures, Taxes procedures, Customs registration and Electronic visa prospects.

Welcome to the Seminar!

Russian Far East Investment Seminar will take place in the Trade Representation of Russian Federation in Sweden from 9:30 through 13:00 on March 26, 2019.

From the 3th till the 8th of June 2019 will be held the Russian Retail Week, which is a large-scale retail industry event with the participation of business and government. The event is a great platform to form main directions of retail industry development, to determine the state approaches to the development of modern and civilized retail market, to resolve the industry problems.

The organizers of the Russian Retail Week are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Russian Retail Market Experts Association.

The Russian Retail Week will take place already for the fourth time with more than 7 000 participants expected. In 2015 the very first Russian Retail Week was visited by more than 3 000 participants, in 2017 the number of visitors was about 4 000 people,  in 2016 the number of visitors was about 6 000 peopleand in 2018 there were more than 6 000 participants.

The program of the Russian Retail Week 2019 includes:

  • Big CONFERENCE PROGRAMM with participation of governmental leaders, leaders from federal authorities, governmental authorities ob retail subjects of the Russian Federation, top federal and regional retail experts, biggest Russian and worldwide providers’ organizations and other retailers;
  • RETAIL WEEK EXPO shows the advance developments and technologies in retail;
  • NETWORKS PROCUREMENT CENTER — direct individual negotiations on deliveries with representatives of federal procurement services and regional; retailers and suppliers of consumer products;
  • Conference «WineRetail. Wine in modern trade»;
  • Professional industry competition RETAIL WEEK AWARDS;
  • All-Russian competition «RUSSIAN TRADE 2019» figuring best decisions and ideas, realized by various trade formats;
  • TOP RETAIL MANAGERS — first Russian rating of top-managers in retail;
  • Innovative RETAIL TOURS that demonstrate modern logistics complexes and hypermarkets of the leading retail chains in Russia, as well as new approaches in logistics and products quality control;
  • THE CUP OF THE RUSSIAN RETAIL WEEK ON MINI-FOOTBAL with participation of employees of the Russian retail and members of their families and traditional mini-football tournament.

Official site

Made in Ural is a web-portal made by the government of Sverdlovsk region as a modern digital source of information for export-oriented enterprises. This website is also meant to serve as an instrument for further export development by means of featuring the competencies of the region.

The following information will be found useful for the Sverdlovsk region’s organizations including the enterprises currently engaged in foreign economic activities and the ones that will take part in it in future:

  • A calendar of events in the field of international cooperation, including the events with the participation of the business community and the government of the Sverdlovsk region;
  • Information on the infrastructure, projects and programs under development, and the measures taken to support export business on regional and federal levels;
  • Latest news in the sphere of foreign trade and its regulation.
  • Statistical and analytic data, including foreign markets data.

The following content will be appealing for foreign partners of Sverdlovsk region:

  • Register of export-oriented enterprises of Sverdlovsk region with relevant contact information and a convenient search by economic sectors.
  • Information on the region goods and services competitive on global markets.
  • Relevant information about the region, which includes the key benefits of partnership with the Sverdlovsk region and enterprises on its territory.

The portal was launched in 2018, and its tools and content are in the process of further enhance. The target audience of the portal includes the business and academic community of the Sverdlovsk region, the region’s foreign partners (both current and potential), development institutions and the subjects of the infrastructural support of foreign trade activities, federal executive authorities, a joint-stock company “Russian Export Centre”, Trade Representations of the Russian Federation in other countries as well as all people who take an interest in the sphere of external economic links.

For all questions regarding the functioning of the Portal, please contact – Department of analytical support of investment activities of the Ministry of international and external economic relations of the Sverdlovsk region. No.: +7 (343) 312-03-73, email: a.nagaeva@egov66.ru.



Link to the website: https://en.made-in-ural.ru/

Den 11 december 2018 träffades A. Abramov, Rysslands handelsrepresentant i Sverige med Patrick Antoni, CEO för Ingka Grupp i Ryssland samt med Igor Kisil, IKEA Rysslands kommunikationschef.

Under mötet diskuterades frågor kring Ingka-koncernens vidare investeringar i de ryska regionerna, samarbetet mellan små och medelstora ryska och svenska företag samt planerna för 2019

Ryssland är den fjärde största världsmarknaden för IKEA. Bolagets totala området för detaljhandel och kontorsutrymme i Ryssland är mer än 2 miljoner kvadratmeter. Utöver byggandet av shopping- och nöjescenter utvecklar Ingka sin egen produktion av möbler och komponenter i Ryssland. Under perioden med IKEAs verksamhet i Ryssland byggdes 14 shopping- och nöjescenter i de flesta största ryska städerna –  Moskva, St Petersburg, Jekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Rostov-Don-Kazan, Omsk, Ufa, Samara. Det totala antalet IKEA-anställda i Ryssland överstiger 12 tusen personer.

December 7th, 2018 Minister for housing and communal services of the Moscow region Evgeniy Khromushin, First Deputy Minister for ecology and natural resources of the Moscow region Natalia Egorova and Trade Representative of Russia in Sweden Aleksandr Abramov visited the energy company Borlänge Energi AB in the city Borlänge.

Borlänge Energi AB is a regional supplier of energy and services (electricity, heat, water, etc.), the bulk of which is produced from renewable sources, including garbage recycling. The energy is generated from urban and imported household waste, biomass, pellets and other renewable sources.

During the visit, the Russian delegation studied the technology of production and supply with heat and electricity of this Swedish region, examined the economic component of construction and operation of production. The inspection of the company’s capacities for acceptance, storage, separation, shredding and use of household waste as an energy carrier was conducted.