
Våra nyheter

DALEXPOCENTER is an exhibition, convention, and trade mission company based in Vladivostok, Russia. A prominent player at Russia’s Far East tradeshow market since 1994, the company has produced over 160 tradeshows and over 150 meetings and conventions. DALEXPOCENTER is a member of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, Primorsky Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Public Council of Primorsky Territory Businessmen. Our projects are supported by the Russian federal ministries, Primorsky Territory Government, City of Vladivostok, major professional associations of Russia, and the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. DALEXPOCENTER is creating opportunities for companies to develop new business and meet trade partners in Primorsky Territory, one of Russia’s most thriving and dynamic regions.

DALEXPOCENTER has great experience in executing and hosting business missions and b2b meetings to facilitate networking opportunities for Russian and international companies and to strengthen international trade cooperation in Pacific Asia.

We have established strong partnership relations with international governmental agencies, professional associations, and trade fair organizers and we are open to any kind of cooperation!

Don’t miss tremendous business opportunities to access the fast-growing market of the Russian Far East through Dalexpocenter’s tradeshows!

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On November 15, 2018, the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden hold a reception dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of trade relations between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Sweden.
The official reception was attended by the representatives of the Swedish business community, the Swedish Foreign Ministry and other Swedish governmental institutions, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Sweden V.I. Tatarintsev, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden A.V. Abramov and the Director General for Trade of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Teppo Tauriainen addressed the audience with the welcoming speeches.



Trade and economic relations between Russia and Sweden are staying stable. In 1918, Sweden became the first western country to supply agricultural equipment for the Russian Federation. In the Soviet years, such well-known Swedish companies as De Laval, Tetra Pak, and Volvo established at the Russian market. Today more than 500 companies with Swedish participation are registered in the Russian Federation, most of them manufacturing companies. Well known Swedish companies Atlas Copco, Epiroc, SKF and many others make a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy. Swedish companies steadily occupy leading positions in comparison with the other investors to Russia by the volume of the direct investments to the Russian economy. IKEA, for example, is the largest private foreign investor in Russia. The investment fund East Capital is the largest institutional investor in the Russian securities.
For the Russian Federation, it is of great importance to attract, together with Swedish investments, advanced technologies and innovations, the experience of increasing production efficiency and forming a circular economy.

On October 24, 2018, the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden took part in a seminar organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for Russia and CIS dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce foundation. The seminar brought together a large number of businessmen, representatives of Swedish government bodies and public organizations, as well as journalists, whose activities are directly connected with the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. In total more than 80 people.

Photo: http://rurik.se

The main event of the seminar was a panel discussion, which raised various issues of bilateral trade and economic relations. The participants of the discussion expressed various suggestions for establishing more dense and effective business contacts between the Swedish and Russian participants of foreign economic activity – from the need to integrate Russia into the European Economic Community to solving problematic issues related to the low level of organization of small and medium enterprises in Russia, the presence of corruption and low legal protection of private property.

According to the general opinion of all the participants of the discussion, it is necessary to increase the awareness of the Swedish business community about Russia and the existing investment opportunities in Russia in order to develop mutually beneficial bilateral trade and economic relations.

Link to event

Ett trevligt möte

Den 18 oktober bjöd svenska kändisar Marie och Gustav Mandelmann Aleksandr Abramov, Ryske Handelsrepresentant, på ett kopp kaffe för att prata om miljö och lantbruksfrågor

Det antas att man i Naberezhnye Chelny kommer starta samla en prov serie av den första ryska premium lastbilen detta år.
Nästa år kommer massproduktion av nya föremål.
Highway lastbil KAMAZ med index 54901 kommer att vara den första modellen för den nyaste KAMAZ  K5-lastbilsfamiljen. För de flesta detaljerna är den nya produkten i stort sett förenad med den 4: e generationen Mercedes-Benz Actros-hytten. På samma gång kommer modellen att få en helt ny motor av egen konstruktion. Det blir in-line 6-cylindrig turbo diesel med volym på 12 liter, vars returkraft kommer att vara från 380 till 550 hk. Den deklarerade resursen är hela 150 tusen mil (en och en halv miljon kilometer) med service intervall på var 15 tusen mil. Det förväntas att den nye KAMAZ 54901 kommer att kosta 15-20% mindre än den ursprungliga Mercedes-Benz.
KAMAZ planerar att uppnå en sådan prisminskning på grund av maximal lokalisering: de ryska komponenterna ska utgöra minst 80-85 % i fordon.