

Visit of Moscow region government representatives to the energy company Borlänge Energi AB in the city Borlänge

December 7th, 2018 Minister for housing and communal services of the Moscow region Evgeniy Khromushin, First Deputy Minister for ecology and natural resources of the Moscow region Natalia Egorova and Trade Representative of Russia in Sweden Aleksandr Abramov visited the energy company Borlänge Energi AB in the city Borlänge.

Borlänge Energi AB is a regional supplier of energy and services (electricity, heat, water, etc.), the bulk of which is produced from renewable sources, including garbage recycling. The energy is generated from urban and imported household waste, biomass, pellets and other renewable sources.

During the visit, the Russian delegation studied the technology of production and supply with heat and electricity of this Swedish region, examined the economic component of construction and operation of production. The inspection of the company’s capacities for acceptance, storage, separation, shredding and use of household waste as an energy carrier was conducted.