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Taking into consideration keen interest demonstrated by both Russian and Swedish companies in promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of ICT, the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden is honored to hold a Forum on innovation solutions within ICT.

The event will take place on the 18th of March, 2014, Ringvägen 1, Lidingö.

Key topics of the Forum are the following ones:

  • Cyber security
    • How to avoid data leak;
    • Data Encrypting;
    • Virus protection;
  • Venture investing in ICT
  • Development of innovative technological infrastructure on the universities basis
    • Business classes for engineers;
    • Techno parks and business incubators – step to the future or dead end;
  • Data storage and transfer
    • High speed / high capacity data transfer;
    • Data storage in clouds;
  • Analysis of images and 3D models
    • Analysis of static images;
    • High speed building 3D models;
    • Usage 3D models for modeling situations.

The idea of the Forum is to spur promotion of Russian innovation products into Scandinavian market and integration of Russia into the international innovation process, as well as to increase efficiency of Russian-Swedish cooperation.

Applications are accepted by mail: