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Technological centre “Geoinformatics” Ltd. , a Russian company specialized in development of 3D and 4D technologies for monitoring systems, safety measures and video surveillance of real estate items, is looking for trade intermediaries (distributors, agents, representatives) abroad. The company was found in 2009 in order to render services to state establishments, commercial organizations and citizens in the field of mapping, navigation and geographic information products. It has been developing geographic information systems (GIS) that function as an integral component in nearly every type of organization. The information systems offered for export ensure 3D rendering of real estate items, above ground and underground utilities in highly-detailed way with high degree of interactivity. They provide 4D monitoring of construction projects, complex video surveillance, facility management, accountability and governance of premises. The system is a set of special-purpose modules providing complex solution for wide range of tasks such as control and maintenance of extended real estate objects (from safety assurance of big complex, for example, an airport, to accounting of particular premise lease). The system can be fully integrated with all existing information and workflow systems, analytical applications and automated control systems There is also possibility to form 3D floor plans with utility supply lines and to form emergency cases. The system opportunities enable to make well-informed environmental decisions and to immediately take measures in case of emergency.

Address: Russia, 127083 Moscow, 8th of March st., bld. 10-1
Contact person: Nikolay Shakhramanyan
Position: Innovative Director
Tel.: +7495 723-83-20
e-mail: n7261292@yandex.ru
web-site (at the moment only in Russian): www.tc-geo.ru

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Dear leaders of mining enterprises, service companies in the mining sector, supplying companies of mining equipment, project companies, research companies, educational institutions,
We have the honor to invite you to participate the 4th International Conference “Mining Industry in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region: View to the Future” which will take place in Kirovsk Town, Murmansk Region, Russia
on the 20 – 21 of November, 2014

The main topic of the Conference: “Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector in the Arctic Zone in Terms of Global Market Instability”

The Barents Euro-Arctic Region is a strategically important region of Russia, rich in natural resources, which possesses a considerable technological, scientific potential and human resources, with good experience in the environmental management in the sub-arctic climate. This creates the possibility for the region to become a leader in the development of mineral resources in the Arctic, if they found the best ways to adapt the mining sector to the new legal framework after entering of all the Arctic states to the WTO and updating of long-term strategies for socio-economic development of the Arctic territories.

The Conference is held under the auspices of the Non-profit Partnership “Russian Mining Operators” and with support of the Government of Murmansk region in the framework of the III Murmansk International Business Week. The Conference is included in the action plan of the EU-Russia Year of Science 2014.
We hope, that this will provide a platform for the exchange of views, ideas, experience between mining service specialists, representatives of the state bodies and public organizations, entrepreneurs from mining industry.

Organizers of the Conference:

  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation,
  • Government of the Murmansk Region,
  • Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
  • Euro-Arctic Chamber of Commerce.

The Conference Operator is Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Yurii Shafranik, Chairman of the Supreme Mining Council, Chairman of the Committee for Energy Strategy and Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) within the Chamber of Commence and Industry of Russia.

Conference Goals:

  • ­ To determine the prospects for expanding of the marketable products in the mining complex of the BEAR with high added value and competitive at the world market under WTO conditions;
  • ­ To facilitate the development of informational and communication technologies in the BEAR mining industry;
  • ­ To analyze the possibilities for innovative modernization of technology and production in the mining complex of the BEAR due to expansion of international cooperation;
  • ­ To identify priorities for employment of specialists in the BEAR mining industry.

Main Topics of the Conference:

  • The key factors affecting development of the mining industry in the Arctic zone.
  • Analysis of competition on the raw materials markets and ways of solving the related problems.
  • Estimation of possibilities of the scientific and technical base of the BEAR countries to create new technologies in mining and processing sectors
  • Training of specialists of higher and middle management adapted to work at the modern high-tech mining and processing complexes in the Arctic zone.

In accordance with the proposals of the Conference participants the workshops, seminars and/or “round tables” could be organized on any relevant topics that corresponds to the goals of the IMIC BEAR-2014.
On the 20th of November the Conference will be opened with the plenary session where official representatives of the state authorities, CEOs of industrial enterprises, bankers, scientists are welcome with reports and presentations.
On the 21st of November discussions will be continued at the following sessions :

Session 1. Ways of development of the mining industry in the modern conditions of unstable market of raw minerals.
Session 2. Development of informational and communication technologies, implementation of automatization and remote control of technological processes.
Session 3. Problems of complex raw materials usage in existing market conditions. Use of new techniques and technologies.
Session 4. Training of engineers and technical specialists for the modern mining enterprise.
Session 5. Is under approval.

Other activities during the Conference
I. Organization of the negotiations (B2B meetings)
II. Exhibition / Presentations.

Full Conference Fee:

Fee for participants: € 472 (including VAT). The registration fee includes: participation in official ceremony and all sessions, networking events during the conference, informational support, lunch, local transport service, consecutive and simultaneous Russian – English interpretation during the conference, hotel booking.
After the 1st of September 2014 registration fee is increased by 15%.

Correspondence Participation Fee:

€ 100 (including VAT). The fee includes informational materials, publication of the company profile on web-pages of the conference: www.ncci.ru; www.conference.ncci.ru/(en)
After the 1st of September 2014 registration fee is increased by 15%.


20 October, 2014 – accept applications for participation
01 November, 2014 – submission of theses of the reports
19-20 November, 2014 – arrival days, registration of participants
20-21 November, 2014 – Conference working days

If you are interested to participate the IMIC BEAR-2014 on the 20-21 of November 2014 in Kirovsk, Murmansk region, Russia, please, register online at http://conference.ncci.ru/registration(en) or send your applications by fax:
+ 7 (8152) 55-47-21.

Contact persons:

Natalia Shchebarova (registration)
Andrey Iliin (organizing issues)
Anstoly Vinogradov (reports, sessions)

Russia, Murmansk Region
183038 Murmansk, Rusanov Lane, 10
Telephone: +7(8152) 55-47-20, 55-47-47
Tel/fax: +7 (8152) 55-47-21
E-mail: ncci@ncci.ru; conference@ncci.ru,
internet: http://ncci.ru; http://conference.ncci.ru

Early registration is encouraged!

DIRECT & SIA “Exportea” är ett export förvaltningsbolag, som grundades år 2006. Den huvudsakliga verksamhet för “Exportea” är att driva exportmarknad, stödja våra kunder när det gäller marknadsundersökning, utforskning av och etablering i nya exportmarknad.

Vi har flera års erfarenhet av internationell verksamhet och det gör att vi med förtroendet kan säga: “Vi vet hur”

  • Hur man förbereder en export plan (projekt).
  • Hur man får mer information om marknaden och hur bedöms dess storlek.
  • Hur man förbereder en presentation av dina produkter eller tjänster.
  • Hur man lockar till sig dom potentiella kunderna och användare.
  • Hur man anpassar produkten till den valda marknaden.
  • Hur man driver förhandlingar.
  • Hur man tar sig in på marknaden.
  • Hur säljer man produkten.
  • Hur man organiserar logistiken.
  • Hur man långsiktigt upprätthåller sin plats på marknaden.

För närvarande består vårt team av 10 personer som är pålitliga och erfarna säljare och projektledare.“Exportea” har kontor i flera europeiska länder: Lettland, Sverige och Ungern samt i Ryssland.
“Exportea” är ett företag inom “Euroaudit” gruppen och kan erbjuda olika typer av outsourcade lösningar. “Euroaudit” har i dagsläget mer än 200 kunder och är ett av de största outsourcing företagen i Lettland som erbjuder outsourcing av redovisning och bokföring.
Vårt systerbolag “EuroCollegia” är ett Vitrysk och Lettiskt sammarbetsbolag (Joint Venture), som verkar för att främja ekonomiskt samarbete mellan Vitryssland och EU, hjälper till att tillhandahålla lämpliga förutsättningar för vitryska företag inom EU-marknaden, samt öppnar en dörr för företag inom EU till den Vitryska marknaden.


Diastam LLC (www.longavita.su) is the company engaged in the development, certification and introduction of innovative oral care products to domestic and international markets. LED toothbrush LONGA VITA MaxPhoLight is already on offer. A health improving effect of the toothbrush is based on the usage of photodynamic therapy method and is provided by means of red and blue radiation intended to disinfect oral cavity, activate metabolism and immunoprotection of mucous tunic of mouth. Special LONGA VITA toothpaste intensifies the effect due to the interaction of the LEDs in the toothbrush and active oxygen extracted from chlorophyll in the toothpaste.

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