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The global discussion platform — “Open Innovations” Forum — is dedicated to emerging technologies and furthering innovation prospects and collaboration worldwide.

It includes the following events:

1. Forum (2-days event). Forum is a series of plenary sessions, panel discussions and round tables dedicated to the most crucial issues and trends in the innovative development.
Key Theme of the Forum in 2014 – “Creative Disruption: Staying competitive in the 21st century”. The focus of the Forum is to unlock the best practices of creative market disruption, restructuring, and reconfiguration. It is also to understand the impact of this process in different technical areas and in the global ecosystem of innovation.

2. Exhibition (3-days event). “Open Innovations Expo” is a global platform created to introduce Russian and international innovative products and technologies, to share experience in realization of successful innovative projects, and to enable effective interaction between exhibitors, government, business and science institutions.

3. Youth program (3 days event). It is a unique project which provides an opportunity to talented youth to participate in the discussion of issues of global development in the sphere of high technologies, to visit the leading innovative centers of Moscow, to exchange experience with colleagues from other countries and to receive advice of leading experts in the sphere of high technologies.

4. Cultural program (2 days event). The cultural program of the “Open Innovations” Forum and Expo is not only a complex of social events which are held within the framework of the Forum, but also an event aimed at promoting the Forum and Exhibition on the international stage.
The events of the cultural program includes: art installations at the Forum and Exhibition, concerts, performances, sightseeing tours, parties and receptions.

Please download the presentation of the Forum and Exhibition “Open Innovations”: PDF-file, 2.6 MBytes

 The 3rd Tver International Investment Forum is a platform for effective interaction and open dialogue for representatives of federal and regional government agencies in Russia, with investors from Russia and abroad, and a place for concluding agreements.

On 26 June 2014 the 3rd International Investment Forum will take place in Tver, organized by the Government of the Tver Region. For the third time in its history, the Forum will serve as an arena to discuss the experience of successful investment projects, opportunities and conditions for collaboration, as well as measures to improve the region’s investment climate.

This year, the Forum’s theme-based sessions will focus on the development of investment projects in the following sectors:

Transport infrastructure and logistics development
Production of composite materials
Also in the Forum’s program:

Master classes for investors: “Why We Chose the Tver Region,” “How to Select Personnel for Investment Projects,” “Concluding an Investment Agreement with the Region: the Legal Aspects” and others.
For the second day of the Forum, an active outdoor entertainment program is planned, as well as a business tour of industrial parks of the Tver Region.

The 3rd International Investment Forum is expected to be opened by the Governor of the Tver Region, Andrei V. Shevelev.

Directors of major Russian and international companies, current and potential investors of the Tver Oblast, representatives of investment funds and banks, chambers of commerce, and professional associations are invited to participate in the Forum.

More information at http://tiif.ru/en/about/

 For and on behalf of the Administration of the Krasnodar region we would like to invite you to take part in the anniversary XII International Investment Forum to be held from 18 to 21 September 2014 in the city of Sochi, the host of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

The Sochi International Investment Forum is a modern platform for constructive dialogue between business and government that is necessary for the successful implementation of major investment projects on Russian territory. As part of the business programme of what is rightly considered to be the country’s main investment event, representatives of the state, business communities and experts address the most pressing issues of economic development in the form of an open discussion.

More information on Forum: www.forumkuban.com