

YIT Lentek - Industrial park Greenstate in Leningrad Region

YIT Lentek invites Scandinavian production companies planning to extend their operations to North-Western Russia to the Industrial park Greenstate in Leningrad Region (in close proximity to St. Petersburg City Ring Road).

YIT is a leading European service company in building systems and construction. It was founded in 1912 as Yleinen Insinööritoimisto (the General Engineering Company) .The company offers its solutions for all sectors concerning technical building systems, construction and industry services. Company’s subsidiaries operate in 14 countries mainly in Europe.

YIT’s share is listed in OMX Nordic Exhange Helsinki in Large cap, Industrials.
YIT in Russia offers the whole range of services in construction and engineering. YIT Lentek operates in industrial and commercial construction. In 23 years of operations in Saint-Petersburg and its region the company has accomplished more than 160 projects of different purpose.

The most significant project in real estate development is the Industrial park Greenstate located in Leningrad Region on the southern border of Petersburg. The industrial land plot of YIT Lentek has an area of 112 hectares with ready engineering communications and infrastructural buildings on it. The full engineering readiness of land plots in the industrial park allows the shortest time of construction and quick launch of production facilities. Up to date more than a half of the industrial parks area is already occupied by the residents. Among them are the modern logistic center Gorigo, the meat processing plant Pit Product, high technology gas turbine plant of Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies and some SME production companies.

More information about the YIT Industrial park you can find on our web-pages and in the attached presentation: