


Kaluga Region has a favorable geographical position and borders on Moscow. Moscow Region is the main financial, commercial and logistic center in Russia. Several highways of strategic importance pass through Kaluga Region, such as А-108 (Moscow Big Ring), А-101 (Moscow-Roslavl), М-3 (Moscow-Кiev).All this is a big advantage when we speak about business localization.
An important factor of success of Kaluga Region is a favorable business environment. At the St. Petersburg international economic forum (in June, 2016) the results of the rating of the Agency for strategic initiatives were announced. The Agency was formed to estimate the efficiency of investment climate in different regions of the country. Kaluga Region took the 3ndplace among 81regions.
Kaluga Region started it’s active development and investments attracting in 2006. Currently we achieved the high rates of development, what is proved by official statistics. We are not satisfied with what has already been achieved, there were signed28 new agreements with investors in 2016. Leading international companies allocated its factories in the Kaluga region, we have launched 7 new manufacturers in 2016.

Investment potential of Kaluga region