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December 14th, 2017 the Trade Representation organized a business mission for representatives of the JSC “SRI of Environmental and General Design” and the Group of Companies “GSR Energo” (St. Petersburg) at the power plant Mälarenergi AB in the city Västerås.

Mälarenergi AB is a regional supplier of energy and services (electricity, heat, water, cooling, Internet access, etc.), the bulk of which is produced from renewable sources, including garbage recycling. Over 90% of the energy is generated from urban and imported household waste, biomass, pellets and other renewable sources.

During the business mission, representatives of Russian companies studied the technology of production and supply with heat and electricity of this Swedish region, examined the economic component of construction and operation of production. The inspection of the company’s capacities for acceptance, storage, separation, shredding and use of household waste as an energy carrier was conducted.
Currently, the Trade Representation is working on the possibility of continuing work with JSC “SRI of Environmental and General Design” and GC “GSR Energo”.

During Euro Mine Expo experts from more than 40 nations are gathered to share information, news and ideas. Besides the trade fair there are also a number of knowledge shareing sessions. The program will be published during autum 2017 and spring 2018.
The program will contain both exhibitor presentations (Exhibitor Innvation Forum) and mining companies sharing and discussing their challenges and opportunities together with innovation partners and vendors.
Our conference themes cover
– Innovation & Business Development
Automation, Positioning, Machine Learning, VR, new business models
– Sustainability in Action
Safety, fossil free mining, hydrogen fuel, mine reclamation and restoration, water handling, permitting
– Future outlook
Market trends, digitalization, prospecting, pricing development, future research projects
Are you interested in contributing to the program:
Mining companies – Contact Jaana.tengman@euromineexpo.com
Exhibitor Innovation Forum – Contact info@euromineexpo.com

Official site and program

Annual International Conference on Investment Attraction to Automotive Component Industry AutoInvest®2018 is the first event of the year in the Russian automotive industry.
The business agenda of the 12th Annual International Conference AutoInvest®2018 is dedicated to prospects of automotive products export development, use of alternative fuels and innovative solutions for economic and ecologic efficiency of the Russian automotive industry as well as to cluster development of the automotive sector, sales strategies and automobiles service technologies.
The AutoInvest® conference has gathered more than 2500 automotive industry experts and professionals for the previous years. Top managers of leading OEMs and automotive components manufacturers, bodies of the public authority, representatives of scientific research institutes, automotive sector specific unions and associations.

Official site

The newly published edition of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs’ “We welcome your cooperation”. This brochure contains information on RUEF members – exhibition companies of Russia as well as companies from Moldova and Ukraine.
Each year these companies hold more than 800 exhibition projects which include almost all industry branches and economy sectors. This brochure has been published with the aim to help you in choosing a region, organizers and exhibitions you would like to take part in.
It contains economic characteristics of Russian regions which include the analysis of their investments appeal, key industry branches, and international relations. You can learn about regions’ exhibitions trends. For each region themes and branches have been reviewed which have the most potential for cooperation and external economic links broadening.
To plan your exhibition participation, first of all, you can focus your attention on trade shows approved by UFI – the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, the ones awarded with the RUEF Logo and of course on the events with the audited and thus reliable figures.
The brochure “We welcome your cooperation” is published for support of Russian and foreign business activity participants in order to strengthen direct partner links, further development of mutual trade and partnership in economics.
This brochure provides you with valuable information for optimal scheduling and successful participation in trade show events in Russia. I hope it will be helpful in your work.

Download brochure

In 2017, the Russian Trade Representation in the Kingdom of Sweden celebrates its 90th anniversary. This year on November 23 the annual Russian-Swedish Economic Forum will be held in the Trade Representation. On the eve of this event, the Trade representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden Alexander Valentinovich Katasov told the newspaper «ezh-YURIST» about the upcoming forum, the current activities of the Trade Representation as well as about the two countries’ cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship.

Download full interview