

Euro Mine Expo 2018

During Euro Mine Expo experts from more than 40 nations are gathered to share information, news and ideas. Besides the trade fair there are also a number of knowledge shareing sessions. The program will be published during autum 2017 and spring 2018.
The program will contain both exhibitor presentations (Exhibitor Innvation Forum) and mining companies sharing and discussing their challenges and opportunities together with innovation partners and vendors.
Our conference themes cover
– Innovation & Business Development
Automation, Positioning, Machine Learning, VR, new business models
– Sustainability in Action
Safety, fossil free mining, hydrogen fuel, mine reclamation and restoration, water handling, permitting
– Future outlook
Market trends, digitalization, prospecting, pricing development, future research projects
Are you interested in contributing to the program:
Mining companies – Contact Jaana.tengman@euromineexpo.com
Exhibitor Innovation Forum – Contact info@euromineexpo.com

Official site and program