Second International Investment Forum «Modernization of Russian Infrastructure: Cource – 2018» [18-19.04.2013]

Dear Sir or Madam

 As you know in the forthcoming decade the Russian Federation will host a series of major sports events: Universiade (Kazan 2013), the Olympics (Sochi 2014), FIFA World Aquatics Championships (Kazan – 2015), World Championship hockey (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg – 2016) Confederations Cup (Russia – 2017), FIFA World Cup (Russia – 2018).

 Thereby on 18-19 April 2013 we are honored to conduct the Second International Investment Forum “Modernization of Russian Urban Infrastructure: Course – 2018”, which was designed to serve as meeting spot for the government and leading business community representatives to exchange ideas, share vision on PPP and accelerate local Program implementation for 11 host cities. The Forum location is Government House in Moscow (Novy Arbat, 36).

 The main aim of the international investment forum “Modernization of Russian Urban Infrastructure: Course – 2018” is identify and present on the basis of the activities the Forum project proposals in preparation for the World Cup and other significant sporting events that will be spending our country soon and to attract foreign and local investment. The idea of the Forum was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, the Russian Chamber of Commerce, Government of Moscow, in the administrations dozen regions, business unions and social movements. The CIS countries delegations (Kazakhstan, Ukraine) confirmed their participation, as well as foreign and Russian companies, which specializing in the construction of sports facilities and sports infrastructure, security events, tourism, transport infrastructure, environment safety and other.

 Dear sirs or madams. Given the interest of a wide range of foreign companies and investors, knowledge and interest in the present theme of event, I have a strong belief your participation in our Forum and Exhibition will be useful for attractive public attention to the preparation of our country for adoption and realization of main sports events of world level.

Andrey Sharykin

Chief Executive Officer

PPP Development Agency

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