Saint-Petersburg International Auto Transport Forum [October 24 – 27, 2013]

Venue: Lenexpo complex, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy prospect, V.O. 103


  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
  • Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Russian Federation
  • Government of Saint Petersburg



Non-profit partnership “St.Petersburg-London 2003”

St. Petersburg Association of Manufacturers of automotive component

Main idea:

Creating a unique platform for an active dialogue between state authorities, research institutes and automotive enterprises for increasing the competitive ability of automotive industry of the Russian Federation

Congress program:

  • “R&D centers in the automotive industry”
  • “Intelligent Transport Systems”
  • “Transport Security”
  • “Transport of the Future”
  • “Using of gas as a motor fuel”


Russian and foreign educational institutions, scientific and technical centers
Automotive components manufacturers
The world’s and the Russian leading automotive manufacturers
Manufacturing companies and suppliers of high-tech for automotive industry
Financial, consulting, investment companies
Venture capital funds
Innovation projects contest: The Forum holds the contest “Best Innovative and Research Project of the Year” to define the most potential innovative and investment projects for the real automotive sector.

Organizer: ExpoForum JSC International congresses and exhibitions company

More about Forum at