Russian-Swedish Marine Forum 2013

Российско-Шведский Морской Форум 2013

On the 30th-31st of May, 2013, the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden held the Russian-Swedish Marine Forum (further referred to as Forum) aimed at supporting state policy in the field of modernization and technological development of Russian economy.
The idea of holding the Forum is rooted into mutual interest from Swedish export-oriented high-tech shipbuilding companies, on the one hand, and Russian scientific and design centers specializing in producing modern light high-speed boats, on the other.
The event was organized by the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in cooperation with OCP Group AB, a Swedish company.

The main goals of the Forum were the following:

  • Assistance in providing Russian “force” agencies and rescue services with modern light high-speed boats exploited for different purposes, as well as getting an impression of Swedish shipbuilding technologies, special electronic and board equipment;
  • Receiving expert assessment of performance characteristics and operative qualities of Swedish high-speed boats and special purposes jet-skis, board, diving and rescue equipment from representatives of Russian agencies;
  • Establishment of direct contacts between Russian and Swedish producers, exchange of experience in the field of exploitation of high-speed boats in harsh climate conditions of the Baltic sea;
  • Search for economic and technological preconditions for Russian-Swedish cooperation in the field of producing high-tech goods, bearing in mind further shifting of production facilities to Russia;
  • Enhancement of competitiveness of Russian companies, promotion of export of Russian high-tech navigation, underwater hydro location and other types of board products to the Swedish and Scandinavian markets.

The program of the Forum consisted of two parts:
Theoretical part (was held on the 30th of June, 2013, at the conference hall of the Trade Representation) included official inauguration of the Forum, exhibition of equipment samples, presentations by Swedish and Russian participants, round tables and section work. Special diving and underwater communication equipment produced by Interspiro AB, a modern boat by Dahl Naval and a rescue jet-ski by Safe at Sea company were represented at the exhibition.

Выступление И.С.Неверова на Морском Форуме

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Sweden

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Practical part (May 31st 2013, the straits of Saltsjö, Lidingö and Kobben islands) included the showing of modern low-sized small-displacement vessels and water scooters for special purposes under natural conditions, demonstration of boarding and rescue equipment application, navigation skills training, debates about training programs for field and service engineers. The tests of board and alpinist equipment, underwater outfit, nine high-speed small-displacement vessels, search and rescue scooter and delivery vehicles for special forces were performed.

Н.Е. Рогожкин

Deputy Minister of Interior of the Russian Federation

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Among Russian participants were the representatives of special forces (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Guard Service), EMERCOM, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development, core Russian military-industrial enterprises (OJSC Vympel Shipyards, OJSC CMKB Almaz, OJSC Central Design Department Neptun, CJSC Sfera, LLC Scientific Center of Applied Electrodynamics, OJSC CMKB named after Krylov, Tetis Group, OJSC Kostroma Shipyard – KSMZ, Tavrichesky bank, LLC Agat Design Bureau, LLC Mnev, OJSC Rybinsk shipyard, LLC VIP Renaissance, LLC Trade Marine), representatives of regional authorities.

Among Swedish participants were the representatives of Swedish Coast Guard, Search and Rescue service, experts from core Swedish companies (Volvo Penta AB, OCP Group AB, Marine Diesel AB, Buffers Marine AB, SEA Cross AB, Dahl Naval AB, Docksta Varvet AB, Rupetech Professional Boats AB, Stockholm RIB Centre AB, Spectre Marine AB, Safe at Sea AB, Ulman Dynamics AB) and Norwegian company Henriksen.
Total amount of visitors – both Russian and Scandinavian experts – exceeded ninety. More than 20 presentations were arranged by participants.

The following key issues were discussed during Forum:

  • cooperation of companies with core ministries and departments,
  • mutual recognition of advanced technologies as a result of practical tests and demonstrations,
  • crew safety issues,
  • product commercialization as a mover of technological progress,
  • accreditation, certification, approval and licensing of Swedish companies and products in Russia.

The Forum will be held regularly and is supposed to become a major Russian-Swedish event for shipbuilding industry where scientists, technical experts, government agencies and business circles can get familiar with last achievements of Swedish and Russian shipbuilding, discuss topical issues of the industry.

The next Forum is scheduled to be held in 2015.