On December 2 – 3, 2013 the Conference «Foreign Economic Activities as Factor for Efficient Development of the Russian Federation Regions» will be conducted in the city of Kaluga.

Development of foreign economic activities (export) by the Russian small and medium enterprises as well as support of improvement of the SME sector competitiveness level on the global markets of innovative products and technologies, involvement into the world-wide supply and production chains, attraction of investments, improvement of SME support infrastructure organizations – all these aspects are the main priorities – especially under the WTO conditions and requirements – of the state programme for SME support carried out by the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Participants of the Conference will be THE Russian SMEs having competitive products; representatives of the federal and regional authorities, municipal bodies; leading development institutions and relevant support infrastructure organizations (centres for coordination of support to export-oriented SMEs, EICCs, cluster development centres, etc.); Russian and international public organizations and unions of entrepreneurs; representatives of the embassies and of the international institutions that support SMEs, trade representatives of Russian in the foreign states; international experts and entrepreneurs having specific proposals for business cooperation or developed investment projects and interested to find potential partners; big Russian and international companies interested in developing cooperation with SMEs.; financial institutions and organizations ready to invest into the Russian SMEs.
The topics of the Conference and its tasks fully correspond to the priorities set by the National Entrepreneurial Initiative implemented by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for Promotion of New Projects.

Organizers of the Conference:
• Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation,
• Government of the Kaluga region;
• Agency for Strategic Initiatives for promotion of new projects;
• The state corporation “The Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)”,
• Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance;
• State Foundation for entrepreneurship support of the Kaluga region;
• Russian Agency for Support of Small & Medium Business,
• Association of Agencies for SME Support «Razvitie»,
• Centre for coordination of support for export-oriented SMEs under the State Foundation for entrepreneurship support of the Kaluga region.

The Conference is organized with support and participation of the Delegation of the European Union to Russia, Russo – British Chamber of Commerce, Deutsch – Russische Auslandshandelskammer, UbiFrance, Embassies of international states to Russia.

The Conference participants will elaborate Recommendations aimed at stimulation of efficient integration of the Russian SME sector into the global economic environment and improvement of the SME‘s competitiveness on internal and international markets of hi-tech innovative products under the WTO as well as development of foreign economic activities by the regions of the Russian Federation.

Apart from that it is planned to organize within the Conference framework a special investment session for the SMEs to present their investment projects. Another special session will be devoted to B2B meetings of small and medium enterprises from Russia and foreign states (including internet conferences).

The Conference will take place on December 2, 2013 in the city of Kaluga in the building of the Government of the Kaluga region (Staryi torg sq., 2, 3-rd floor) and on December 3, 2013 in the premises of the Sberbank Business Development Centre (M. Gorky Str., 63, 3-rd floor).

On the issues related to participation in the Conference please refer to the Management Board:
Russian Agency for Small and Medium Business Support – Mrs. Inna Litvinenko, phone +7 (499) 780 19 26, e-mail

To participate in the Conference please fill in the Registration form and e-mail it to or send by fax to +7 (499) 143 73 21 to Mrs. Inna Litvinenko before November 22, 2013. ВAll the registered participants will receive then official confirmation of their registration for participation in the Conference.

Information on the Conference is published on the following Internet sites:,,,,,

Documents of the Conference:
Press release of the Conference (download);
Concept of the Conference (download);
Framework Programme of the Conference (download);
Registration form of the Conference (download).