Vologda optical-and-mechanical plant JSC

Nowadays «VOMZ» JSC is a successfully developing enterprise of defense industry complex with powerful production and intellectual potential.

Being a diversified mechanical enterprise the plant produces complex optical-electronic and thermal imaging products of special purpose, as well as optical-electronic devices of medical and civil designation. In every of these spheres the plant is oriented to output of actual qualitative products. Quality is our priority and the basis of the whole production cycle.

«VOMZ» marketing oriented strategy ensures constant presence at the markets of optical-mechanical and optical- electronic devices. «VOMZ» JSC production is a traditional concept of high quality in «Made in Russia» segment. The plant achievements are appreciated at Russian and international exhibitions, both military and civil, where the enterprise was not once awarded as laureate with diplomas as well as gold and silver medals.

The quality management system was introduced on the plant according to international EN ISO 9001:2008 and national GOST R ISO 9001-2008 standards.

Modern production technologies, customer orientation, constant diversification, effective management, high-professional personnel – all these are guarantors of «VOMZ» products` quality.


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