Investment portal of Primorsky Territory

Investment Portal of Primorsky Territory

Primorye Territory is one of the most interesting and promising Russian territories for business development.
Transparent information policy attracts attention of Russian and foreign companies and entrepreneurs.
The region is experienced enough in international and interregional relations in both economy and social issues.
Primorye Territory aims at active integration positions in the Asia-Pacific region, at using presidency in APEC-2012 for the consolidation of the economic presence of Russia and its entities to maintain high economic growth rates.
Preparation for APEC Summit provided Primorye with good start positions, which will be the basis for further economic development.
One of the most important tasks for today is improvement of the region’s investment climate.
Total value of the investment projects implemented in Primorye is 2 trillion rubles.
Those are the projects on modernization of traditional specialization branches such as fisheries industry, agriculture, transport system.
Though Primorsky region’s future is a new economy, which is development of automobile industry, shipbuilding, small aircraft, petroleum and gas chemistry, innovation economy projects.
Those projects are proposed for inclusion into Primorsky region social and economic development program 2013-2017, which is being worked out with the expert community involved. The major target of the program is a complex solution of the key social and economic problems of Primorsky region and, based on that, an increase of the quality and standard of life, ensuring regional population’s employment, development of production, labor and intellectual potential.