2nd Annual Russian-Swedish Investment Forum

2nd Annual Russian-Swedish Investment Forum

and 85th Anniversary of the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden

19-22 November 2012 the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden arranged the Annual Russian-Swedish Investment Forum. This event coincided with the 85th Anniversary of the establishing of the Trade Representation in Sweden.

Download all presentation from Forum

Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Sweden, Alexander Katasov and State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of the Environment, Gunnar Oom
Nikolay Popov, the State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia

The plenary meeting on 22 November, 2012 was the central event of the Forum. More than 160 participants attended the Forum, including Nikolay Popov, the State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Anders Flanking, State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of the Environment, Gunnar Oom, State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Director of European Department of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, Deputy Governors, Regional Ministers and Deputy Ministers (representing more than ten Russian regions, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pskov, Ryazan, Leningrad region, Republic of Komi, Chechnya, etc.), representatives of the Russian-Swedish Business Council, companies and banks in Russia and Sweden. The Forum was for the first time attended by representatives of the business community of Iceland and Latvia.


Environmental technologies and increased localization of automotive components in Russia were the key topics of the Forum. Sweco, National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers (NAPAK) and the Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association (FKG) were among the experts at the Forum.


The Forum has comprised three parts, including the official part, the investment potential of Russian regions and environmental technologies, as well as the investment program for the Russian automotive market. More than 40 presentations and speeches were made during the Forum.

After the business part of the Forum, the Russian Trade Representation in Sweden hosted an official reception in honour of the 85th Anniversary of its foundation.

The work of the Forum was covered by correspondents of the ITAR-TASS information agency and the Economic Newspaper Publishing House. Prior to the event, the Trade Representative was interviewed by the Expert magazine.