

[Announcement] The Third Annual Russian-Swedish Investment Forum

 The Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden is pleased to announce that the Third Russian-Swedish Investment Forum will take place on November 20th and 21st at the premises of Trade Representation (Ringvägen 1, Lidingö).

The main subject of the Forum this year will be investments into energy efficiency and clean technology.

The main objective of the Forum is attraction of investments into Russian economy and establishing of direct contacts between Swedish and Russian businessmen.

Program activities of the Forum this year are:

  • visits to leading enterprises and building sites where clean-tech are widely used,
  • meetings and negotiations with managers of Swedish companies investing into energy efficiency,
  • presentations of Russian investment projects for Swedish investors.

A wide range of Swedish investment funds managers, representatives of banks, innovative enterprises and consulting agencies, officials from Swedish regions interested in cooperation with Russian partners are invited to the Forum.
Outcome documents of the Forum are supposed to be the agreements, memoranda and protocols according to the stage of projects’ life-cycle.

For more information please contact us by email irina.kukushkina@rysslandshandel.se or by phone +46 8 765-11-80, +46 8 765-97-70.