

CIS Sugar Market 2012 [01-02.03.2012]

We would like to inform you about “CIS Sugar Market 2012. Self-sufficiency: from Political Objective to Economic Reality” Conference, which will be held in Moscow on the 1st-2nd of March 2012 at Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya Hotel.

Russia and its neighbouring countries took the global sugar market by surprise in the second half of 2011 when it became apparent that the CIS region would produce a record sugar beet crop reducing dramatically import demand for sugar from the world market. How sustainable are these record high levels of beet sugar production? What has to be done to maintain the output at the level achieved in 2011? Will Russia, Ukraine and Belarus become regular exporters of sugar to Central Asia and beet pulp and molasses to the word market? How competitive is the beet sugar from Eastern Europe internationally? These are the main topics of the Conference.

On the 2nd of March as an integral part of the event the workshop “Bioethanol and biogas – new opportunities in the beet sugar industry” will take place, where a team of internationally renowned specialists will share their practical experience in this area.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Russian.

Organizers expect an active participation of representatives of major sugar producing and trading companies, as well as industrial users and bankers. Space is strictly limited, so early registration is recommended.

Registration fee is 350€ (incl.VAT). Registration fee covers lunch and an evening reception on the 1st of March and online access to the Conference Proceedings immediately following the event. Registration is opened till February 24, 2011.

More about the Conference: http://sugarconference.ru/eng/
Contact details: phone: +7 495 695 37 42, fax: +7 495 690 22 14,
e-mail: sugarconf@gmail.com