

Russian Economic Zones Business Navigator 2019

The annual business publication “SEZ Business Navigator 2019” has been prepared by the author team of the Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia with support from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Its major goal is to analyse investment attractiveness of the Russian Special Economic Zones (SEZs) for Russian and foreign investors from a comparative perspective.

“SEZ Business Navigator 2019” provides investors and other stakeholders with essential information concerning the whole actual infrastructure in the territory of Special Economic Zones. It is based on the conducted comprehensive study of the current state of development and investment attractiveness of the Russian SEZs, their competitive advantages, including both federal and regional tax privileges, other preferences, as well as the current competitive advantages of the project sites.

“SEZ Business Navigator 2019” is addressed to Russian and foreign investors, management teams of corporations and regional enterprises, financial institutions, loan companies, federal and regional executive bodies, the expert community as well as other readers interested in investment activities, financial management, spatial development.

Students of both the State University of Management and the Moscow Pedagogical State University have contributed to preparing the III National SEZs Investment Attractiveness Index 2019, which is an integral part of the publication “SEZ Business Navigator 2019”.