

IKEA Industry business mission to Kirov region

Within the business mission to Kirov region organized by the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden between July 1 and 4, 2019 IKEA Industry managers visited together with region administration IKEA Industry Vyatka plant, a producer of glued pine furniture, one of the largest foreign investors in the region.

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Kirov Region Administration and Management of the Swedish company had a curious conversation at the ”IKEA Industry Vyatka” LLC sites about the state and prospects for the development of IKEA production as well as business environment in the region.
Region Administration expressed readiness to contribute to the inflow of Swedish investments in production facilities of IKEA Industry Vyatka LLC, expansion of the assortment range and output increase.
Special attention was paid to the introduction in the region of the Swedish experience and woodworking technologies, industrial and corporate culture, achieved in the IKEA company.