


The Eastern Economic Forum will take place on 11–13 September, 2018 on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) on Russky Island (Vladivostok).
The Eastern Economic Forum is a unique platform for cooperation between representatives from the worlds of business and politics, as well as members of the expert and media communities from Russia and the Asia-Pacific region. The aim of the exhibitions at EEF 2018 is to attract investors to the Russian Far East, by:

  • providing a visual representation of the Forum programme, showcasing investment opportunities in the Russian Far East;
  • creating a space for direct dialogue between investors, company heads, representatives of government agencies, and the media;
  • giving potential Russian and international investors an idea of the progress being made on work to support the investment process;
  • offering clear confirmation of the region’s investment appeal;
  • working directly with investors along industry-based and regional lines;
  • providing a complete picture of the regions of the Russian Far East and their investment attractiveness;
  • establishing a comprehensive overview of the Russian Far East’s development institutions;
  • showcasing all the countries taking part in the Forum.

The EEF 2018 exhibition space will include presentations about specific advanced special socioeconomic zones, investment projects, and measures being undertaken by federal and regional authorities to develop the socioeconomic, demographic, and investment potential of the Far Eastern Federal District.
Forum Information Center
Tel.: +7 (499) 7000 111
Email: info@forumvostok.ru
Official site

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